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We're getting closer to the big finale!

Here's chapter 5 if you haven't read it yet

(This story contains Brothers, Muscle Growth, Pecs, Milking, Cock Growth, Balls Growth, Off-Season Mass, Inflation and more)

When I woke up the next morning, I felt like I had partied for two weeks straight. My mouth was dry as chalk and my skull felt like someone been fucking it all night. Which was odd, because I didn’t remember drinking that much at the restaurant.

Then I got up and realized that my body had changed drastically overnight.

“...The hell?”

In front of the mirror, I inspected my changed form. The underwear I’d been sleeping in had grown tight around my waist; it was burying itself into my sides and glutes. Above that waistband hung a proud, perfectly round ball belly. I used my hands to inspect it: it was a solid muscle gut, not giving at all when I pushed on it. Further up, I found I had also grown a nice set of pecs—nowhere near as big as my bodyguards’, but still. I could even flex them and make them dance, which I’d never been able to do before—but which I now proceeded to do for about five minutes straight. My shoulders and arms were wider now too. The definition of the muscles under my skin had increased, the sinews dancing under my skin every time I moved.

It seemed my two bodyguards had made a muscle bear out of me. Was it a side effect of the injection? Did the scientists know about this?

In the bathroom, I pulled down my briefs to empty my overfull bladder—and in place of my modest 4-inch cock, a thick 7-incher tumbled out of my underwear.

I gazed in wonder at my bigger dick as it shot a thick stream of urine into the toilet. Then I rubbed it a little bit, until it was fully hard and had swelled to 7.5 inches long.

“Well, damn. This all is getting better and better.”

I was already late for a meeting, but somehow I found myself standing in front of the big bathroom mirror again, caressing my gut, playing with my hardness, testing out the strength of my newly engorged muscles. And was it the lighting, or was I hairier too? More chest hair looked amazing on me...damn, it was hard to focus.

I knew I had to get in the shower and start my day, but I let myself daydream about my two bodyguards for just a few more minutes. My new big dick was rock-hard, jumping up and down uncontrollably. I thought about worshipping them again. Helping them release the pressure inside their chests. Getting them bigger clothes so I could show off my two gods to the world—so that everyone could see they were mine.

I needed to see how they were doing.

An hour later, I’d made it into the office. I cancelled my meeting and turned to the to-do pile that had been languishing on my desk for a week now.

Thankfully, no one had seen me yet. The suit I was wearing was embarrassingly snug in several places. I enjoyed the feeling, but I still sent a message to my tailor asking for an urgent appointment. He answered within minutes, telling me that he would make a house call the next day. I wondered how big we would all be by then.

Daydreaming again. Damn it, I had to focus!

I worked until noon. I got through most of my correspondence and started the slog through the briefings and endless documents my assistant had left on the table.

My bodyguards had become too much of a distraction, I realized. I ought to have worked last night. There was so much to do.

As I skimmed yet another report, I could feel my tightly constrained bulge rubbing against the edge of my desk. I looked down and suddenly realized that a wet spot had appeared at the peak of my prominent bulge.

“For fuck’s sake!”

I rolled back and pulled open my fly. My 7.5-inch cock was even harder than it had been this morning. The head looked massive and angry.

The telephone on my desk rang, almost giving me a heart attack.

“For fuck’s sake…yeah, hello?”

“Boss? We’ve got a little problem down here. Security is understaffed and we can’t find the new guys anywhere. Have they reached out to you, sir?”

I sat up straighter. “You tried their apartment?”

“We called—no answer. We thought about breaking down the door but we wanted to check with you first.”

“No, no,” I said quickly. “Stay where you are. I’ll handle it.”

“No problem, boss. You need any assistance?”

“No, no, it’s under control. Tell the others not to worry. We went out last night and it got late. Okay? Bye.”

I glanced at the security cameras in the bodyguards’ rooms. All the screens were foggy, making it hard to figure out what was going on down there—it almost looked like a smoke bomb had gone off. Two of the cameras even seemed to have deactivated.

Before I left, I unlocked the hidden drawer at the back of my desk and pulled out two vials, identical to the ones we’d used on the yacht. Just in case.

When I arrived on the 28th floor, my heart was beating faster than usual. I wondered whether I was still hung over or if there was something else wrong with my head.

I knocked on their door, but got no response. I used my passkey to enter.

Their rooms looked like a tornado had blown through in the night. Cabinets were empty, tables and couches were knocked over, and everything was covered in cum. Everywhere I walked, my shoes landed in big puddles of white goo. The floor was plastered, the walls covered. Then, near the home gym, I found a condom inflated to the size of a party balloon, filled with the same substance.

“Those horny bastards,” I whispered, unable to stop myself from grinning. The scent lingering in the humid air brought my hard-on right back.

I tried to lift the cum-filled condom, out of curiosity, but the jiggling mass slipped out of my hands. It was as big and heavy as a Halloween pumpkin.

Where were they?

I entered their gym. The density of cum puddles was even greater in here. It was here I got the first clue to what might have happened: the juicing cabinet, which I had lovingly filled with a year’s supply of the most potent drugs money could buy, was empty.

For the first time, I got worried.

“Guys?” I called. No answer.

On the way to the bathroom, I stepped in yet another pond of cum, the biggest one yet.

“Holy fuck…how are they able to produce so much?”

Finally, I heard something. It was a low moan—the sound of a giant being worshipped in the next room. I could hear water running, too.

I opened the last door and froze. The two brothers were there, but it took me a moment to recognize them.

They were in the huge glass shower—but their heads reached over the top of the walls. It looked like they were rubbing their enormous bodies against each other, but the room was so filled with fog it was hard to tell.

The situation became clearer when one of them slammed his body against the shower wall. Pressed against the glass, soaking wet, I could see a set of swollen, impossibly large muscle tits rubbing against it. He groaned: his enormous nipples had gotten stuck between the wall and his own hard pec muscles.

He kept moaning.

Then his package got into the game. Something behind him moved, and his massive sack and horse cock were pressed against the shower wall as well. He was fully soft, his lush foreskin almost gluing itself to the barrier.

His balls had gotten enormous overnight. The orbs in that sack were full the size of basketballs. Another thrust from behind, and his thickly muscled mid-section pressed against the front too. The hair on his pecs and belly had gotten even darker and thicker.

Most insane of all, both of them had definitely grown in height. They were well over the top of shower, at least 7’2”!

“Fuck, bro, I‘m coming again!” one of them suddenly cried.

“So hot!”

“I think I’m still getting bigger.”

“Mmm, not big enough, though!”

“Fuck, yeah!”

“Your cock against my back is so heavy, bro!”

“I hope we never stop growing.”

A scream of ecstasy echoed through the room and a blast of cum, powerful as a geyser, hit the ceiling.

A minute later, the show was over and they swapped positions.

“Sorry, bro, I need to cum again.”

“Fuck, so huge. So much energy.”

“Bigger and bigger.”

“My balls feel half-full again already. Fuck.”

“We’re never gonna be able to stop cumming, bro.”

“Damn, what time is it?”

“I don’t know. We have to get back.”

“Just one last one, okay?”

“You said that ten times already!”

“Just one last one. I can feel this one is gonna be extra heavy…”

“Damn, yeah, give me that load of yours!”

“Fuck, bro, your body makes me crazy. You’re so big and hairy. Fuck, you’re getting so big!”

“Love your pecs!”

“Mmm, they need to be emptied again.”

“The boss’s mouth felt so good.”

“I can’t believe he helped us out like that.”

“Hrumph, hrumph…”

Suddenly, the room became eerily quiet. They even stopped the hot water, the fog finally starting to lighten.



They stumbled out of the shower like teenagers caught with a joint. Blushing, almost tripping over their own equipment, it was the first time I could see the full extent of their transformation.

They had injected the rest of my stash in one continuous pumping session, and they had gotten humongous. Their pecs looked more swollen than ever, and there were wide stretch marks under their fur. Their tits were filled with prime milk, causing them to bulge so much they dangled downward, with prominent veins along the areolas. My mouth watered. My dick was pressing against my too-small zipper again.

Their arms seemed to be 5–6 inches wider than the night before, putting their biceps into the 38-inch category—totally unheard of. These arms were strong enough to press cars now! The massive slabs of beef trembled as they shook off the last drops of shower water.

Meanwhile, their midsections had returned to the impressive flatness of earlier days. The sushi guts were gone. Their ten-packs were restored.

Most impressive of all were their colossal cocks and balls, so heavy they stretched out the hairy skin of their abdomen. Their combined packages must have weighed a ton now. They had outgrown every horse on the planet.

I turned my gaze up to their nervous, grimacing faces. They both now had thick, dark beards that they’d somehow managed to grow overnight.


“Sorry, we must have lost track of time.”

“Yeah, we were so busy…”


“…as you can see.”

Unnecessarily proving the point, the two brothers began flexing in front of me. One chose a most-muscular pose; the other raised his arms overhead in a dramatic double biceps. His arms were now easily bigger than his head, which was in turn getting swallowed by his shoulders and traps.

“I see,” I answered, straining to keep up my serious façade.

“We’ll get ready and return to our positions immediately, sir!” one of them said, hustling his brother toward the door.

“No,” I said.

They both stopped moving.

“You’re exactly where I need you.”

I stepped closer, which made me realize how much taller they had become. The top of my head only came up to the middle of their chests now. I put my hands at the base of their prodigious, heavy schlongs and stroked the thick, wet hair surrounding their crown jewels. Their soft cocks were wider now than 2-liter soda bottles. It was unimaginable.

As I stroked, veins started to appear down the length of their formerly-smooth cocks. Their foreskins were sliding back, revealing enormous heads, dripping with pre already. More and more cock came into view as their enormous shafts elongated in my small hands.

I could sense that both their balls were full again already. The basketball-sized orbs were heavy in their low-hanging sacks.

I began rubbing their dicks harder.

“Oh, boss!”

“You’ve both gotten incredibly big in just one night,” I said, my hands wandering upward to the valleys between their pecs. Their nipples had already started dripping, too.

“You’re growing so much faster than I anticipated.”

They began to quiver under my touch. My fingers found the tips of their hanging pecs and started to tickle the area around their nipples. The sensitivity in their chest had increased even more. Sweat was running down their faces.

“Oh, boss, be careful. Our chests are very…unghh…full! Ohhhhaahhhh.”

I grabbed the tissue of their pecs hard, sinking my hands in deep. In response, their nipples grew harder than ever. They moaned louder, like a pair of happy oxen.

I heard stretching sounds as the tip of their nipples swelled bigger, until they had nipples fully the size of cocks crowning their prodigious pecs.

I felt something release, and suddenly I couldn’t squish their chest muscles anymore. They were each full to the brim with milk. I took a nipple in each hand and squeezed. My bodyguards screamed and went to their knees, and twin streams of muscle milk squirted onto my torso.


“Could you please milk us?”

“We’re so full.”

“We need your help.”

They stared at me like two loyal puppies. I surveyed the two man-mountains in front of me, taller than I was even kneeling, their gigantic, half-hard packages piled on the floor between their legs.

I unbuttoned my shirt to show them the muscle gut they’d given me. Their eyes widened when they saw what their milk had done.

“You look amazing, boss!”

“Please. Use our milk to grow more.”

Strategically, they pushed their arms into their sides, making their pecs look even more enormous, jockeying to be the first.

At last, I grinned at them.

“Fill me up, boys. Give me all you got.”

They jumped on me like the sex-crazed beasts they’d become. I let myself be smothered by the size and the weight they’d gained overnight. Soon I was buried under their tree-trunk thighs and the packages fighting for space between them.

Four nipple cocks strained toward my mouth, and I couldn’t believe how much they’d grown as the first one touched my tongue. It felt like a real cock, at least 7 inches long and fairly wide.

“We’ll make you the biggest boss the world has ever seen.”

“We can be your muscle cows. Make more milk for you. Grow you.“

“Until there’s nothing in the world except growing and being milked!”

I came in my pants.

Their pecs had doubled in size since the night before. There was so much more milk this time, and I could already tell that the stream was much more potent than the night before. They buried me deeper under their mass, and I drank for hours on end.

They had realized the truth about me before I knew it myself. I wanted them to be my personal growth assistants more than anything in the world. I had no idea how good it would feel to be bigger, and how heavenly it was when they helped me grow. The business of the day was forgotten as they continued to fill me with their milk, changing positions every few minutes, undocking and docking again. As I drank, I could feel my gut swelling continuously. My pants were torn. The buttons had popped and ripped open without me noticing.

I could feel one of their hands feeling up the tent between my thighs.

“Oh damn, boss! Look at you grow!”

He rubbed my bulge so hard that my cock pulled itself free of my underwear, covering my round underbelly with streams of cum.

I arched my back, and my pants ripped even further. The two vials with the glowing growth formula tumbled out of my pockets.

They saw them, and in an instant they had grabbed one each. Their eyes met mine.

“Can we do it, boss?”

“Please, say yes.”

“We want to be bigger for you…”

“So fucking bad.”

I was lying on the floor in front of them, half in a coma from the richness of their milk. I could feel that my face was covered in it. I looked up at them and laughed wildly.

“Okay, fuck it, guys. Inject these too. Grow for me! Make me proud.”

Their faces lit up like two suns, and we began.



Soooo gonna draw fanart of this! Thanks again for your incredible writing.


Applause I send to the writer of this magnificent erotica. BRAVO. I Jack myself off and binge eat with at least a 12-pack (buuurrrrrphhhh) as a reaction to this marvelous writing.