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Your body isn't ready for this chapter.

Here's chapter 4 if you haven't read it yet

(This story contains Brothers, Muscle Growth, Pecs, Milking, Cock Growth, Balls Growth, Off-Season Mass, Inflation)

A half-hour later, my driver was dropping us off at the sushi place.

The hostess looked up nervously when the shadow of my bodyguards fell on her. She was definitely intimidated at first, but when I gave my name, her eyes widened. Quickly she led us to a secluded back room, away from strangers’ gazes, and slid the traditional Japanese paper door shut behind us.

My men took off their jackets and sat cross-legged at our low table, their bulges comfortably filling the space between their knees.

“Tonight,” I said, “I want to see how much you two can eat. Don’t hold back. I want to see you both stuffed to the breaking point. Think of it as a stress test for your new outfits.”

The two exchanged eager glances as they got ready to chow down. I watched them crack their necks and knuckles.

“Before we begin,” I added, “you’ll be interested to hear that I heard from my military contact today—it seems they’ve discovered that protein from fish is the most efficient catalyst for the growth treatment you both so recently received.”

I didn’t need to say anything else. When the first few plates appeared, they immediately got to work shoveling down everything in sight.

I’ve never seen anyone gorge themselves like the two of them did that night. As much as they’d grown recently, their greed to get even bigger had if anything only increased. They ate as if every piece of raw fish was a precious commodity, the key they’d been seeking to grow their bodies exponentially bigger.

A full half an hour went by before they showed any signs of having had enough. They were definitely breathing harder, and they both had opened the top buttons of their shirts. It could have been my imagination, but my bodyguards’ pecs looked fuller already. I could see their nipples chafing against the white cotton fabric.

I had long finished eating when, impatient, they began taking entire plates of sushi and tipping a whole roll into their mouths at once, followed by a sip of soy sauce. The servers kept a constant stream of food coming, so that after a while I lost track of how many times they’d done this. Their shirts were beginning to strain across their bloated bellies.

Just when it looked like they were finally sated, a dozen new plates arrived.

“Eat up,” I said.

The brothers looked like they were ready to faint. There was as much food on the table now as there had been when they began.

But they were good bodyguards. They popped open another button and went to work, sweating like pigs. With both hands, they shoveled more sushi into their already-stuffed mouths. Despite their fullness, they chewed with relish, moaning with every bite.

“So full. So good,” one mumbled.

“I think I’m getting even bigger,” the other groaned.

But they didn’t even come up for air until the sound of a button exploding off of one of their shirts interrupted them. They took a look down and saw a roid gut peeking through one of their now-open fronts.

I was fascinated. “Hot damn. You’re massive, boy,” I told him, leaning over to put my hand on his exposed firm belly.

The other one, watching this, curled his lip. He began eating again with renewed gusto, faster even than the servers could bring it. When there was nothing left in front of him, he grabbed what was on his brother’s plate and ate that, too. Finally, he was full enough that his own shirt tore. One button, then a second one, flew away with a loud snap.

“Ha!” he crowed. “Guess I’m the massive one now, bro.”

Their bellies were both pressing against the table now. It groaned ominously, inching across the floor as their bellies pushed it a little farther away every time they inhaled.

After a pause, I said, “Looks like you two need some more sushi.”

At the sound of my voice, any pain in their monster guts seemed to be forgotten. “Definitely,” they said in unison.

What had happened up until then was nothing compared to the insane stuffing feast that followed. They couldn’t take their eyes off of each other’s ever-increasing size, palming each other’s swelling stomachs as they continued to stuff more and more into their wide open mouths, taking the rolls one and even two at a time.

As they ate, I finished unbuttoning their shirts and pants for them, giving their bodies as much space as possible. I wanted to see how far they would go.

“The more you eat, the more you grow,” I whispered.

They began wolfing down their plates even faster. Between bites, they were moaning now, as though they could already feel the growth happening. Their bodies were stretching as though they were made out of rubber.

In the end, it wasn’t just their bloated, immense guts with faint eight-packs that looked ready to burst—their pecs looked more gigantic than ever, too. The massive mounds were almost large enough to brush against their faces when they breathed in. Once again, their sleeves had gotten too small for their massive arms, and their veins visible against the silky fabric.

“This was soooo good, boss.”

“Yeah. I’ve never been this full in my life.”

They both declared victory with a roaring belch.

Before we could leave the restaurant, they had to stand up, which proved more difficult than we expected due to their overinflated midsections. As they stumbled to their feet, I had the sense that I could hear all that food sloshing around in their stomachs—but the truth was even crazier. It was their overfull balls I was hearing. It had been hours since they’d last blasted a load, they’d done nothing since then but stuff themselves full of meat.

“You two all right?” I asked, unable to keep the fascination out of my voice. The sheer size of them was driving me wild. Every step had become hard work for them: they could barely even see the way in front of them anymore under their gargantuan chests.

They finally got to their big feet—even those looked larger than before—and presented their bloat to me. The guts in front of me looked to have gained at least a dozen of inches in circumference each since we’d arrived. Down below, their balls were getting ready to explode out of their too-small underwear. They were the size of very large oranges now. I couldn’t stop picturing what it would look like when those big balls finally blew.

“We’re all right, boss. Just very…full. And happy,” one of them said, giving his massive belly a slap. The hard mass quivered, and I could hear the contents inside settling. The lowest button of his shirt, which he’d tried to redo, popped off again.

“My chest feels a little weird,” his brother said, surveying what had happened to his body. “Almost as if…my pecs are full too.”

“Me, too. Mine feel heavy, too.”

They both raised their arms and flexed a little. They couldn’t see it, but my eyes went wide as wet spots appeared on their shirts where their nipples were. The dark circles expanded rapidly, making their hard little chest-cocks even more visible through the fabric.

“Oh, boys,” I said. “Look how massive you are. We’d better get you back to the apartment before you explode.”

It may have been too late, though, I realized: there were expanding wet spots on their exposed underwear already. They kept trying to button up again and again, the new size of their bodies completely defeated them. I grinned, imagining what my tailor would say when he heard his suits had not passed the test.

Back at my building, we were confronted with a problem getting into the elevator—the small size of the cabin, always an issue for them, was now a bigger problem than ever. Still, we managed to all squeeze into one car.

There wasn’t even really space for the two of them, let alone me. No sooner had I pressed the button to close the doors than the shifting bodyweight of one of my bodyguards suddenly pressed me against the wall. I was caught between his massive glutes, my hard cock squeezed against his cheeks.

It was heaven.

When he noticed my hard bulge was caught tight between his enormous ass cheeks, he instantly started flexing for me, catching my bulge right in between.

“Oh, fuck!”

“Ngh. Sorry, boss! I‘m not used to this size yet. So…full and heavy.” He was still breathing hard.

The other brother fished me out of his brother’s glutes, and suddenly I was caught between the both of them. There was nowhere else for me to go: from wall to wall and corner to corner, the elevator was a solid mass of flesh that completely enveloped me.

“Sorry, boss,” the other said shyly. “We should have waited for the next one.”

“Shh. Don’t apologize.”

I dropped my head onto the pillow pecs in front of me and rubbed my ass against the other’s bulge. They both groaned loudly as their cocks began to awaken, one pressing against mine, the other against the small of my back. The fabric of their clothes started ripping audibly as more and more of their flesh came into view.

Groping with my hand, I found the red emergency button, and our ascent came to a stop. I looked up to see both of them grinning.

“Now that we have a little more time...”

They removed their shirts by ripping them off, suffocating me with their size. I found myself caught between their pecs and full guts as their bulges expanded impossibly, bursting out of their underwear. We ran out of room completely then—soon I was squeezed between their humongous thighs, balls and cocks, as though I were in a cage with two enormous anacondas.

“You’ve grown so much this week,” I whisper. “Even just tonight. But I wanna see you even bigger.”

“Fuck yeah, boss.”

“Make us bigger, boss.”

They began humping me with their rigid wet cocks. Their penises were as long and as wide as my torso now, the veins on their skin each as thick as one of my fingers. The small cabin was filled with the wet sounds of cock against skin as their precum dripped everywhere. There was just so much of it!

Their breath started shaking as they came closer to climax.

“Boss, you treat us so goo–ooood!”

“Yeah, fuck, you’re making us huuuge!”

“Just look at us!”

They started humping me harder, pushing their monstrous horse cocks into my face and back.

We are massive!

“Bro, you’re so big.”

“Fuck, no, you’re bigger.”

“Boss, it feels so good!”

“We know you love it when we grow for you!”

“Ngh, yesss…”

“Fuck, I’m close.”

“Me too, bro!”

“I’m still feeling so fucking full.”

“Yeah, it’s not only cum.”

“There’s so much energy inside me.”

“Fuck, I need to get it out.”

“Damn, boss, what’s happening?”

They were each trying to push me into their inflated pecs. Everything was so wet and slimy that I didn’t even know what I was doing when I opened my mouth and suddenly something was filling it up.


My mouth was suddenly filled with a hot, milky liquid. I had to use my hand to push myself away and see what I was sucking on.

It was a nipple, and it looked enormous. I had never seen anything like it. It was fully the size of a bottle cap, seeming almost to vibrate as a drop of creamy milk leaked out of it.

So it hadn’t been my mind playing tricks on me in the restaurant—they were starting to lactate already. And their nips were enormous! I wondered what would happen if…

I put the little knob back into my mouth and began to suck again. The bodyguard almost started crying from the intense sense of release my touch brought him. What felt like a gallon of milk flooded my already-full stomach, but as I sucked, I found I was thirsty for even more.

“Yeah, drink it! Drink it all! Empty me!”

When the right side was empty, I undocked and was blown away by how massive his nipple had grown while I was sucking on it. He was definitely carrying around cocks for nipples now, and the unsucked one was already starting to grow in anticipation. It had to be almost 4 inches in length, straining forward, desperate to feel my mouth on it. The sight made me suddenly crazy with hunger, and I went to work on the other side. As soon as my mouth swallowed his 4-inch nipple, his cock exploded, covering us all in cum, not stopping until the floor beneath us was painted with it.

“Boss? Please empty me, too. I’m full, too. I’m begging you!” the other brother moaned behind me.

I looked down and that I was starting to grow a belly, too, but that didn’t matter now. I rotated myself between their guts and began to minister to my other bodyguard. His nipples were starting to swell, too. They must have sensed me coming to minister to them.

He wasn’t prepared for the euphoria that flooded his body. He cried out just as loudly as his brother had.

“Fuck yeah, boss! Let me fill you up!”

I drank and drank until both his knockers were empty too. In the end, his nipple cocks looked even larger than his brother’s.

When the elevator door finally opened on their floor, a wave of cum rolled out in front of us. Fully naked now, heavily muscled, with their soft cocks hanging between their knees, they wished me a good night—their voices just a whisper, as though they were already asleep and dreaming. We said goodbye with another group hug that encompassed me fully.

Exhausted, I returned to my own apartment, many floors above, and took a seat at my desk. My clothes were moist and covered in cum, but I paid no attention. I replayed the elevator scene in my head again and again, thinking about how much faster they were growing than I’d anticipated. Their devotion and willingness to go all-in for me was almost making me emotional. I was determined to do anything I could for them. I had to get them more of that serum.

After my daydream, I finally unbuttoned my shirt to assess the damage. The belly that fell into my lap was much bigger than the one I’d gotten up with this morning. I could feel myself still full of their warm, fatty milk. It looked like I had swallowed a watermelon.

So they had managed to give me a full-on dad bod in just one evening. I couldn’t wait to see how big they would get—and how big I would get.

One thing was clear: tonight had been just the beginning.



Hoooooooly shit that was incredible!! You weren't kidding last chapter I wasn't expecting that at all 🤤🤤🤤 So so hot though just incredible writing and I love that the boss is being brought in on the growth now too, guess we'll see if all that muscle milk turns him hunky or chunky 🤭


Wow that lewd eating, guts bulging furiously, veiny hairy manliness of their bodies on overdrive, massive leaking nips too. I might draw a fanart of them if you keep it up :)


Hot damn is this story ever awesome. I’ve read pretty much all of your stories (with the exception of Sam and Max I think it was called) and I can easily say that hands down this one is my favourite!