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(This story contains Brothers, Muscle Growth, Pecs, Milking, Cock Growth, Balls Growth, Off-Season Mass, Inflation) – I will try to publish one chapter a week 😚

“They’re here, boss.”

“Fine. Let them in.”

My two prospective bodyguards stepped into my dimly lit office.

I imagined the scene from their point of view. It must have been an incredible sight—the skyline of Paris spread out behind me, the last rays of sunlight just disappearing over the horizon.

They were perfect, just as I had imagined them. The two men wore marine blue suits that hugged every curve of their muscular bodies. Their hair was shaved close on the sides, a little longer on top. Even leaving aside the magnificence of their bodies, I was impressed by their faces alone. Both of them had a slight shadow of beard that further emphasized their sharp jawlines. The stubble was so black it looked darker than their actual hair color.

At a gesture from me, the two ex-bodybuilders removed their jackets and took their seats before my oversized desk. I took a second to bask in the attentive gazes of their blue eyes. I wondered if there ever had been a more beautiful set of twins. I took my time signing the last document on my table, keeping them guessing. They waited patiently, unmoving, like toy soldiers. I listened to their top buttons straining as they breathed in and out.

“You’re aware that this isn’t your standard bodyguard gig.” I finally said to them.

The twins nodded.

“Working for me is more than a job. It’s a calling, and it requires sacrifice. I need men I can rely on completely, every second of every day. I will need your help and I will need your protection. There are many out there who would love to see me dead and my work destroyed. If you accept my offer, you will be going all in. Do you understand?”

They nodded again, their chests swollen and proud.

“Also, there will be no secrets. As soon as you sign these papers, you will be  part of my absolute innermost circle. There will be no one closer to me than you. When I give you an order, no matter what it is, you will be obligated to fulfill my wishes. Do you understand?”

Their pupils widened for a split second, but they did not hesitate. “Yes,” they rumbled with one voice.

“The salary, of course, is commensurate with the demands of the job. Once you’ve signed, you will be more than amply provided for. I know you both know  who I am—you know my resources are unlimited, and you will have them fully at your disposal. As long as you’re working for me, anything you want is yours.”

The two bodyguards nodded slowly.

“Now. Before we sign, I’d like to see what it is I’m investing in.”

They were ready for this part, and didn’t need me to elaborate further. They exchanged a smirk and rose to their feet, slowly unbuttoning their too-tight shirts. Into view came perfectly two sets of sculptured, shaved pecs with rosé-colored nipples, 8-packs that might as well have been Photoshopped, with bright treasure trails pointing the way to their crotches. They both were blessed with swimmers’ shoulders and fat chest muscles, augmented by years of work at the gym. They had to peel their shirts off their arms to get them over their biceps and triceps. In a moment, I was taking in their pits, neatly trimmed but still dark with hair. Veins spread over their thick arms like rivers on a map. They were only in their late 20’s, their youth a stark contrast to their sheer size. They must have started lifting early.

I had never seen two bigger men in my life. But I wanted to see more, and it was in my power to ask for it.

“I want to see everything.”

One of them flashed me a perfect cocky smile. The other, watching his brother, nodded.

They undid their thick leather belts.

I inhaled as their thick thighs and underwear came into view. God himself must have supervised the creation of these men’s bodies. They both wore red boxer briefs that were stuffed to the limit. Two cotton-covered masses erupted over the top of their pants like expanding dough. It was clear that these boys were hung like horses.

“Huge everywhere,” I said approvingly.

I let them stand in front of me like that for a moment, with their bulges out, watching them smile. My mouth was watering. They were perfect.

It was time to sign the contracts. I watched as they squeezed everything back into their fancy outfits. If anything, their bulges looked even more enlarged going back in.

So they liked to show off. Even better.

I passed two pens across the table, and a moment later their signatures were bleeding into the paper.

“Welcome to the family,” I said.

I moved around my desk to shake their hands.  My two new bodyguards looked much bigger up close. At 6 foot 5, they each had about half a foot on me.

“We’ll start in the morning,” I told them. “But as a sign of good faith, I’d like to grant you each one favor. Anything that’s in my power to give. And I warn you, this first phase of your employment will be challenging, so don’t hold back. What is it that you most desire?”

The two brothers exchanged a look. It almost felt like they were reading each other’s minds.

“We wanna get bigger,” one of them said.

“Yeah. Way bigger,” the other added.

My heart skipped a beat.

“There are training facilities located on the second  floor of your housing—everything you need.”

“No, we mean big,” the first one said, stepping a little closer, arms crossed and swollen under his sleeves. “We saw your last bodyguard.”

“Fernando? Yes, he is massive. He’s, ah, quite the role model.”

“We want to be like him.”

“Bigger than him.”

“Yeah, huge. Bigger than anyone. So big that no one could ever mess with you.”

I wondered how they knew about Fernando, my former private assistant, later my bodyguard, who’d worked for me for over 23 years. Had they seen him in photographs? In the tabloids?

“So, am I correct in thinking...you want a bit of chemical assistance?”

Their eyes glowed.



“Well, fortunately for you both, I do have some connections to the military. I’ll make sure you benefit from a few of the projects I know they have going on.”

“Thank you, boss!”

They hugged me—both at once. I found myself suddenly suffocated by muscle mass, pressed into their straining shirts and the mountains of muscle underneath, their pecs almost bursting through the thin linen. They were a little clumsy, but I appreciated their gratitude. I had a feeling these two himbos and I were going to be a perfect match. I was suddenly conscious of the round bulge of the bodyguard behind me, pressing into my ass cheeks. I wondered how long it would be before I felt that sensation again.

After they left, I returned to my desk. Atop it, facing me where the bodybuilders wouldn’t have seen it, was an old photo of me and Fernando. I picked it up and raised it to the light of the chandelier.

“Did you hear that? I didn’t even have to persuade these two to take the drugs. They asked for them. They want to get big in order to serve me better? I can help them with that. More than they think.”

My finger touched the glass covering the photo. It showed me and my former bodyguard—a seven-foot mountain of muscle, so thick and broad he was almost immobile, totally unrecognizable as the man he’d once been.

Just the right size.



Damn those story tags alone are promising a very good time! Great setup so far and I'm excited to see where it goes! (and how big they get 👀)


I wrote five chapters by now and they are already bigger than I expected them to be haha