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Despite the cold outside, the air in Max’s room was humid, the heat making a glowing aura around the lights on the Christmas tree. It was here: Christmas morning.

Max was smiling even before he opened his eyes. He knew right away that he had grown again in his sleep.

“Merry Christmas, man,” he told himself. His basso profundo voice gave him chills. “Let’s see what Santa got you this year.”

Lifting his upper body out of bed was a lot of work. He had gotten taller and heavier again; he suspected he might still be getting bigger even as he moved.

Before going to sleep, Max had put another condom over his colossal  2-foot cock. The night before he had continued to cum, like clockwork, every ten minutes, and the volleys of cum spraying all over his bedroom and dripping down on him had kept him awake. The condom, his improvised solution, seemed to have worked, but now he found himself face-to-face with a hyperinflated latex cum tank.

“Holy shit, is this all from last night?”

The gnomes had amused themselves by preventing the condom from popping, and so white sphere had continued to grow impossibly large. Now it was level with the top of the door frame. It looked like someone had parked a white van in the middle of Max’s bedroom.

Max’s cock had been completely engulfed by the massive balloon. And it wasn’t just the condom: his whole body had continued swelling bigger overnight. His pecs were pressing permanently against his face and arms now. They were covered in fur, making his fist-sized nipples point directly downward, out of his view. Max would discover his new nipples later; for now he was busy exploring the new mass of his legs with his fingers.

“Fuck, how big am I now?” he cried, jubilant. “Santa, you’ve been so generous this year!”

It was time to free his cock. He peeled the condom off the base of his penis until the seal broke. As though a dam had broken, the cum began to gush out of the condom and onto the floor.

“Now that is a cock!” roared Max over the roar of his own semen. “Look at that! I’m a fucking whale-cocked god!”

Perpetually hard and covered in arm-thick veins, his ten-foot monster of a dick was now pressing against the door of Max’s bedroom. His cock continued to blast cum against the door as the balloon on the floor continued to deflate.

“I have to call Jonas. He’s got to help me out with this.” Visions of fucking his friend with his newly enhanced monster danced in his head.

Max grabbed his phone...and learned that his hand had become too big to use it. The camera didn’t recognize his testosterone-enhanced face anymore; even his pinky finger couldn’t help pressing four buttons at once when he tried to type.

The doorbell distracted him from this dilemma. Max heaved himself up to answer it, following the ankle-deep river of cum that was flowing out the door. He somehow squeezed himself through the door frame, shattering it in the process, and very nearly got stuck coming down the stairs because his hard cock was too gigantic to make it around the corner of the landing.

“I’m coming!” Max yelled, as his cock continued to spray gallon after gallon of cum. “I’m definitely coming!”

Max needed all of his remaining flexibility to open the front door. Had his muscles grown even bigger since he’d gotten up?

“Look at you!”

Jonas was not waiting outside. Instead, there were two other men there, and only one of them was familiar. It was the big, hairy guy from the bakery—the bull in men’s clothing.

Max had not attempted to put on clothes. His naked glory was on full display.

“You were right. He wasn’t done growing,” the thicker of the two men said.

“Who the hell are you?”

“We are the reason you’re this big.”

“You’re what?”

“Can we come in?”

Max shuffled back to the couch and planted his double-wide ass on it, his hairy cheeks spreading to engulf two full cushions. Max’s cock was aimed at the ceiling of the living room, a steady stream of cum trickling down the shaft. He knew it was only a temporary respite, though—he could feel in his balls that he was about to start blasting again.

The gnomes took a seat opposite him, on the other side of the coffee table where Max’s balls rested.

The man Max recognized had a V-shaped torso and the body of a thick muscle god. The other one was fluffier. He was big, too—at least 7 feet tall—but he also had a round gut filling out his jolly Christmas sweater.

Max smiled at them as another geyser began to erupt from his whale cock. He wrapped an arm around it, jerking it to the best of his ability, and another blast erupted from its tip.

“Are you surprised to see a man this big? I’m huge!” Max moaned, his guttural voice descending even lower.

“You sure are a big boy.”

“And we’re here to help you with that,” the other added, eyes on the cock.

“Help me?”

The big gnome glanced at the fat one. Not the brightest, is he?, his look said.

The other raised his eyebrows in reply: But he’s the biggest.

Should we just tell him the truth?

The other nodded. It was time.

“Did you ever wonder who sent you the ring at the beginning of the month?”

Max was hardly listening. He was busy playing with his round, full pecs. His hands had finally found his gigantic, cock-like nipples, and were enjoying them to the fullest.

“Ring? What ring?”

“The ring you put on.”

Max raised his hand and saw his ring finger. He had forgotten about the glowing mark the ring had left behind 25 days earlier.

“Oh, my god. This”—he squeezed his pecs, pressing them against his face—“you two did this?”

The muscle gnome nodded, while the other just gave a cheeky smile, scratching his gut.

“We need someone to give us a little energy boost every now and again. And you seemed perfect.”

Max was back on his feet and caught the two gnomes in a hyper-muscled hug.

“Thank you! I love it, I love it, I just fucking love it!”

The faces of his guests disappeared into the soft tissue of his pecs. The two men shivered with anticipation.

“Can you make me even bigger?”

The two men exchanged glances.

He wants to grow even bigger?

That’s never happened before.

But look at his guns!

And his cock!

Let’s get what we came for first. Then we’ll see.

“Can you? I want to be bigger so bad!”

“You’re a pretty big guy already,” the fat gnome said cautiously.

“Not big enough!”

“Okay, sure…if you don’t mind helping us out first.”

“I’ll do anything you want!”

“Well, you should know what’s happened to you. The two of us,” the thick gnome began, “are not human. We are what you might call magic. We don’t have to eat, we don’t have to drink, but at least once a year we have to drink a certain ambrosia in order to stay strong.”

His friend continued: “We usually plant a magic seed into an oblivious candidate and let it grow. Humans, you see, can’t use magic, even when they are full of it. Which gives us the chance to use you as a garden…”

“…and build a fountain of ambrosia inside a human form. The magic multiplying inside your body follows your own desire. It makes you bigger and then it has more room to propagate itself. Symbiosis.”

“But no one has ever grown as big as you, Max. You can give us enough magic to keep us alive for many years! You’re radiant with it. Your very sweat is pure magic.”

Max hesitated. “What will happen to my size once I feed you?”

“What happens when you harvest the fruit from a garden? The garden doesn’t get smaller. It just gets back to growing the next season of fruit.”

“So I can keep my size?” Max exclaimed. His sudden movement made the legs of the coffee table break under the swelling weight of Max’s balls, depositing them on the floor with a bang.

“Better than that. With the magic you give us, we can actually make you even bigger.”

“Well, what are you waiting for! Come get your magic and grow me! Grow me as much as you can.”

The gnomes exchanged looks one last time. But it was time to get to work.

They started at his face and worked their way down. Within moments, Max was lying on his back on the floor, lost in bliss. The two men turned out to be the horniest bastards he had ever met. They kissed him like there was no tomorrow; Max had never experienced anything so gentle and yet so brutal. While one of the men’s tongues was still inside his mouth, the other’s began wandering down his body, planting kisses everywhere.

The muscle gnome found Max’s cock-like nipples and started jerking them. As he played with them, they started to inflate.

“Oh...this is new.”

“Uhh. Be careful, little guy, they feel sensitive this morning.”

“I can see why.”

He squeezed the six-inch nipple between his fingers and Max moaned loudly. A drop of white liquid appeared at the tip of Max’s nipple.

“Ohhh, I’ve waited all month for this,” the gnome breathed. Then he stuffed the thick nipple into his wide open mouth and began to suck.

“Uff, damn, that feels good!” Max groaned, breaking the kiss with the other gnome. “Get down there and suck the other side. Empty me out.”

And so the feast began. Attached to his chest, the gnomes enjoyed gallon after gallon of their magic juice. Max grabbed the backs of their heads and pressed them even harder against his chest as they drank greedily.

And then Max saw them swelling. While one of them was putting on more muscle mass with every swallow, the other was becoming fatter and fatter. Both of the 7-foot-tall gnomes looked to be over 400 pounds already.

“Fuck, look at you, guys! You’re getting as big as the guys at the gym. Maybe even bigger!”

The suckling continued without stopping for the rest of the morning. It was heaven for all three of them. The gnomes continued to gulp the white liquid from Max’s chest, reveling in the feeling of its magic flooding their bulging bodies.

Hours later, the two gnomes tired simultaneously and took a step back. They were both out of breath, rubbing two very different bellies. One of them had a wide, beach ball-sized muscle gut, still covered in bulging abs, while the other had a monstrous lard gut that hung down to his knees.

“Look at you guys. You look phenomenal.”

The gnomes stared. “There’s still more magic in your body…”

“…but we are already full.”

“I thought this wasn’t possible…”

“…but you’re proving us wrong.”

“Come on guys, we haven’t even started on my balls. I haven’t come at all in the last three hours! You’ve got to help me. I need to fill you up. Both of you, now.”

Before either of the gnomes could question the logistics of him fucking both of them at once, Max's entire body began to glow in the warm air, like a Christmas light.

“Is this…”

“…magic? That’s impossible.”

“It can’t be!”

“He’s human! How can he…?”

Max clenched his teeth, widened his stance, and focused all his energy into his manhood. Slowly, his monstrous cock shifted toward the left side of his lower abdomen, and a second cock began to emerge.

“Max! How are you doing this?”

“I’m not doing anything! It’s the magic inside me. It wants to come out! It wants me to grow! Fuck, guys, I’m getting even bigger!”

Max’s body stretched taller still, swelling to over ten feet in height in mere seconds. His head collided hard with the ceiling, but his growth didn’t stop. The second cock grew rapidly, until it was fully the size of the first in just a few massive growth spurts.

“Are you guys doing this?! Now my muscles are getting bigger again! This is incredible! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

“We’re not doing anything, Max!”

“It’s all you!”

“Holy shit!”

The gnomes knew what to do. With the aid of a little bit of magic, they were each able to take one of the gargantuan cocks. Max began to cum immediately, and he didn’t stop until every ounce of magic was gone from his body.

The neighborhood streets were covered in snow, shrouded in winter silence. There was no one outside, no cars on the streets. Nothing could be heard but a cat, treading lightly, prowling through the snow…and the creaking beams of house number 1988. Seconds later, the neighbors were startled by a loud bang. Number 1988, the house with Max Grant on the mailbox, had just exploded into a million pieces.

Three men were visible in the ruins of the building. Not one wall had been left standing—nothing was left but the three of them, groaning and panting in the moonlight.

The two gnomes were bigger than ever. Slowly, they rolled over, saw each other for the first time, and gasped in unison.

Holy fuck, look at you!

They each had expanded by more than half a ton of muscles and lard. It was the biggest either of them had ever been.

Next to them, completely spent, Max was still catching his breath. He was 20 feet tall now, with most of the ruins of his own house buried under his body. For the first time in what felt like days, his cocks were finally deflating.

“Thank you, guys. You did it! I’m actually empty for once!”

The gnomes didn’t respond. It would be a while before they could walk or talk.

“How about this: why don’t you two come back again next year and I can give you even more of your magic? Of course, you’d have to plant another seed in me...and I would have to grow for you for another month...”

The gnomes were too exhausted to get up, but they both had devilish grins on their faces. They already knew they were going to accept.

The end?

Thanks for all your votes and compliments on this story! It was a lot of work but definitely worth it.

Happy Holidays! See you next year!



Awesome story! I wonder if they have another gift for the new year :)