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It was the 23rd of December and Max was about to visit the gym for the last time ever. But he didn’t know that yet.

The gnomes had been feeling mischievous and hadn’t grown his wardrobe along with him this time, forcing him to walk to the gym in his old, way-too-short clothes. He had thought about going shopping, but who sold anything big enough to fit an 8-foot giant?

In the end, it didn’t really matter. Max found he wanted everyone to see him in all his glory. He didn’t care that his midriff with its treasure trail was peeking out, that his sleeves were fully torn open, and that the anaconda bulging in his shorts cast a shadow the size of Nevada. His pecs were finally too big to fit in any kind of clothing. They had burst right out of his v-neck and were free to flex in the open air now.

The gnomes, disguised as robins on a garden fence, watched as Max entered the gym.

“Do you think he’s ready for harvest?”

“Mm…maybe let’s wait till Christmas.”

“You don’t think he’s done growing yet?”

“Hell, no. Did you see him just now? I could see him still changing as he walked to the gym.”

“Really? How?”

“His face looks more square. He’s getting more attractive.”

“Everyone else has always been done changing by the 20th. They have to be done before Christmas.”

“Well, this one is different. Let’s give him two more days and see how much bigger he gets.”

“God, this is gonna be good.”

“He’s gonna give us enough for two years.”

“At least!”

One of the last changes happened after Max’s intense gym session that day, in one of the shower stalls. It was a little inconvenient, showering in there, since his back and his shoulders were in constant contact with the walls on both sides now. He was a monster of a man. His junk, hanging down, looked as heavy as a wrecking ball, and almost as big.

It felt good to wash off the layer of sweat. The black hair under his arms felt almost thicker than his head hair. He kneaded his cobblestone-shaped abs with his fingertips.

Everyone else was as in love with Max’s body as he was. He was aware that people were peeking into his shower stall from every direction, but he didn’t mind. By now there was no one left in the building who hadn't had his cock shoved up their ass.

The change began as he was soaping up his huge quads. He had to do it by feel since his chest got in the way of actually seeing them.

Even in the distorted reflection offered by the little shower knob, Max could see that his face was getting wider. The angle of his jaw looked sharp enough to smash stones. His cheekbones became more defined, making his smile brighter and his eyebrows thickened and darkened. His beard stubble was  visibly growing at an alarming rate.

“Fuck. Now I’m giving off some serious muscle daddy vibes.”

And then, out of the blue, a wave of pleasure surged through Max’s entire body. He was having an orgasm! His legs, ass cheeks and abdomen contracted hard and he began to tremble. A hard stream of pure cum shot from his cock, hitting the wall with a splat that was audible even over the roaring water.

“Damn! Where did that come from?! Mm, fuck! I’m still cumming!”

A minute later, when it was over, the drain was completely clogged with thick white seed. Max still hadn’t even touched himself.

He went to his locker, still dripping, having to hold the too-small towel in place around his waist. He was aware that around him people were taking photos and videos, but he kept moving, giving them nothing but a little bicep flex.

Then, before he could even get his sweats back on, he came again. It had been less than ten minutes since the last time.

“Holy fuck, Am I cumming again? What is wrong with my balls?”

But the wet warm liquid covering his feet was answer enough. Seconds later, Max was standing in another puddle of his own creation.


One of the muscleheads who’d been changing at a locker nearby drew closer. “Dude. You need a hand with that?”

“Darren, look at you. You’re already 440 pounds of muscle. You don’t need any more.”

I don’t, but it looks but your cock sure needs to be emptied somehow.”

“I think this might just be just the way I am now. I’m producing so much testosterone and cum that it’s just starting to flow on its own.”

“Fuck! What does it feel like?”

“Like I’m getting a crazy good fuck every few minutes. Speaking of which...do you have a condom?”

Max got home 30 minutes later. He had come three more times en route. The condom he’d borrowed from Darren was filled to the brim. By the end he’d had to hold it in place with his hands so it wouldn’t detach as his cock kept cumming.

Max tied a knot in it and the beanbag-sized balloon flopped toward the ground. The churning mass inside was warm and dense, stretching the thin latex to its absolute limit, as though aspiring to get as big as Max’s glistening cock itself.

Max wondered how much capacity the local sperm bank had.



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