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Before Max woke up on the fifteenth, the gnomes got to work enhancing his wardrobe, working their way through his closet with big hand gestures. His shirts, pants, jackets—even his socks got bigger. All the boots on the hallway shelf grew by a few sizes. Even the single pair of gloves by the door stretched audibly, the fingers lengthening and thickening as they grew another layer of cotton.

When Max woke up, he was alone.

At first, he didn’t even realize what had changed. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and stumbled toward the bathroom, his heavy ball sack and gigantic soft cock swinging from left to right. They actually seemed a little smaller than yesterday, even though he knew that wasn’t possible.

It wasn’t until he couldn’t see his face in the mirror that he realized what had happened. Overnight, he had grown again, this time in height!

Max wasn’t just a few inches taller. He had become a staggering giant of a man. He had been tall already, but now he had gained another full twelve inches—seven feet and two inches! He was now bigger than any man he’d ever met.

His cock was immediately hard, pressing insistently against the sink.

“Holy fuck…this is just getting better and better every day. Wait till the guys in the gym get a load of this!”

Showering was an ordeal—he had to bend sideways in order to fit inside, and the showerhead was now at chest level—but he was surprised not to have the same trouble when he got to his wardrobe. Everything was bigger, and his clothes fit him perfectly again! He turned his head and for a moment he could have sworn that someone was watching him from the window. He shook the feeling off and pulled on his clothes. His newly augmented pants were generously cut around the crotch, but his manhood was still wedged super snugly in between his legs. The tight feeling alone was almost enough to give him a hard-on.

“Being big feels so fucking good…better every day!”

His stomach growled, but he had nothing in the fridge—he was eating for three these days. It was time to get groceries.

He spent a few minutes trying to fit into his car, but it was pointless. He couldn’t cram his body into the tiny space between the steering wheel and the seat. Even when he managed to squeeze his upper body inside, his monstrous pecs crushed against the sharp angles of his face, there was no room for his package at all.

Time to walk.

He couldn’t believe how much smaller everything seemed than it had just the day before. Everyone’s heads were suddenly way below him. He was at least a head taller than everyone he met, and twice as wide too. Every doorway he encountered now was too small— he had to bend down every single time.

Everyone in the market stopped and stared at him, but Max ignored them now. He was now able to see right over the aisles of groceries. The sensation of power was inescapable.

He picked up enough food for ten and got ready for breakfast.

December 17th. 


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