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“He’s waking up! He’s waking up!” The gnome on the windowsill cried. “And just look at his progress! Remarkable.”

His companion pressed his face to the window and frowned. “These last two days it seems like all the magic is accumulating in his pecs.”

“It’s only been a few days, and he’s almost bigger than last year’s candidate already!”

Max was slowly waking up from a weird dream. He stretched his arms overhead and groaned loudly. When he relaxed, he became aware of a strange weight pressing down on his chest.

“Oh, fuck,” he whispered. “It wasn’t just a dream…”

He jumped out of bed and bolted for the bathroom. His steps were oddly heavy, making him realize just how much extra mass he was carrying.

“God damn. Look at this rack!”

The gnomes had disguised themselves as expensive-looking perfumes on the top shelf above the mirror. Somehow, you could feel that even their mouths were wide open.

Max’s chest had added at least a dozen pounds of muscle mass overnight. His two hairy melons were now suspended over a flat six-pack, demanding so much space that they formed a broad overhang that only disappeared when he flexed them. His nipples were big as thimbles, the cherries on top of a sumptuous dessert. He cupped them with his fingers, fascinated by how sensitive they felt in his big hands.

“Holy shit. These puppies are heavy. ”

He had to see that massive chest in motion. Grinning, he began to pose in front of the mirror. When he changed positions, his titanic jugs actually jiggled. His cock immediately started to harden.

“Those things will be visible through every shirt he owns,” whispered one of the perfume bottles.

“Better and better!” whispered the other.

Max had gone to his drawer and was pulling on the smallest, tightest shirt he could find. It couldn’t even cover his abs, and it almost looked like he’d put corks under his shirt where his nipples should have been.

“Guess these puppies are too big to hide now.” He had to laugh as he grabbed them with both hands and massaged them aggressively.

Before he left for work, he stepped on the scale: 252 pounds. His upper body had put on 30 pounds of mass with no effort at all. His 5-inch hard-on wouldn’t be coming down anytime soon, that was for sure.

Max had a hard time focusing on work that day. Every time he looked down, his enormous pectoralis muscles were right there. He had to touch them every few minutes to make sure they were real and as heavy as he remembered. He shouldn’t have worn a black shirt, he realized—the prominent flour prints were evidence of how often he’d been grabbing them.

His co-workers, their eyes glued to his newly-enhanced rack, kept asking if everything was all right. Curiously, none of them were curious about what had happened with his body. Their minds were busy envisioning other scenarios.

The stares he earned at the gym that night were even more brazen than the ones he got at work.

After an hour of hard lifting, he hit the locker room for a well-earned shower. As he slowly soaped himself up, the weight of his new muscles felt so good that an involuntary moan left his throat.


His fingers found his nipples and went to work. His erection pulsed. It had been a constant companion throughout the day, and thinking about his size now made it even harder. He didn’t even mind the guys lurking in the background, watching as he jerked his chest under the gym showers.

He came without touching his cock once. The enhanced sensation in his overgrown chest and big nipples was all it took. He painted the shower wall in 10 big shots, and let the running water clean up after him.

On the way back to his locker, he let his still-rock-hard schlong swing free for everyone to appreciate—it wasn’t the longest in the locker room, but he was starting to get the sense that that, too, might be changing for the better soon.

“Holy fuck…Max? Is that you?”

Max turned around and to see Jonas, an old lifting buddy he hadn’t seen in a while.

“Jonas! Looking good, man!”

“Jesus, look who’s talking! Man! Look at those pecs!”

The gnomes were sitting on the lamps high above their heads. With a gesture, they were able to observe Max’s thoughts.

“He’s happy to see his friend again,” the first one said.

“He’s horny for him,” the other clarified.

“Better and better.”

December Seventh