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It had only been snowing a few hours, and already the houses were buried in a thick white blanket. One of the neighbors was braving the snow to hang up his Christmas lights. Puffs of white were rising from every chimney, and the air smelled like wood smoke. It was a charming little suburban street, straight from central casting.

Down on the sidewalk, invisible to any human eye, were two little men, hardly taller than a grown man’s index finger. They were trying to walk, but the layer of snow was giving them a hard time.

“Snow again. It’s the same thing every year,” one of the gnomes complained in a high voice. He snapped his fingers, and the two drifted upward to hover a few inches above the frozen carpet. “Aha! It’s right over here. Wait till you see—he’s perfect!”

The name on the mailbox said Max Grant.

The gnome snapped his fingers again, and they landed on the windowsill of the quiet house. Frostwork covered the glass, but with a little scrubbing, they were able to see its living room, dimly illuminated by some small lamps and a few lit candles.

As they watched, a man came up from the basement. He was wearing workout clothes, and his skin glistened in the lamplight. Through the closed window, the gnomes could just make out his voice.

“Damn, forgot the candles…again. Guess I’m lucky to be alive.”

The gnome that hadn’t yet spoken piped up. “Are you sure he’s right for us? Remember last year? That was a disaster.”

“Don’t remind me. This time I’m sure. Just look. He’s perfect.”

Max pulled his sweaty shirt off, revealing a sculpted torso. He stroked the flat of his hand down the chiseled surface of his six-pack. He threw the sweaty shirt into the washing machine and went off to make a snack.

“Just having abs and working out twice a week doesn’t make him a good candidate,” the second gnome grumbled.

“This won’t be like last year, I promise! He wants it.”

“Whatever. I think we’re wasting our time.”

He turned to go, but the other gnome grabbed his little hand to hold him back.

“Look again. He’s perfect.”

The gnome peered through the window once more. Max was now doing poses in front of the big mirror in his living room. He was smiling, admiring the definition in his body and what seemed to be some recent gains. He was down to his underwear now, and the two little men could see his hard-on through his underpants. Finally, he stepped away from the mirror to gulp down a protein shake, giving his boner a few jerks as he chugged.

“Okay, fine. We can use him. I can see he’ll get bigger than the guy last year, at least.”

“That’s what I’ve been saying! He’s perfect—the most promising candidate in years!”

“Okay, calm down. I can see he’s got a lot of energy, but we haven’t even started yet.”

“Oh, yes! Let’s get to work.”

In unison, they clapped their hands and reappeared on the doorstep of Max’s house.

“Let’s just start slow and see how he reacts.”

The other nodded. The two chanted something in a strange tongue, and out of thin air, a wrapped gift box with a red ribbon crystallized out of nothing. They snapped their fingers, and the house’s doorbell rang.

“Showtime,” the gnomes said, and they vanished.

When Max opened the door, no one was there. He looked left and right—not for too long, he wasn’t wearing clothes, and it was freezing cold out—but there wasn’t a soul out there. Only then did he notice the present waiting at his feet.

“Little early for Christmas, isn’t it?” he asked the empty air. But he brought it in anyway. Back inside, he read the card.

Merry Christmas to our big guy! Enjoy! —Santa’s little helpers.

“Huh.” He opened the box, which contained nothing but a lot of red velvet...and a ring. It was golden and covered in etched ornamentation. The inside of the band was embossed with the silhouette of a distinguished-looking man.

“Who sent this?” Max said.

And then he tried it on.

As the ring brushed past his second knuckle, Max noticed a golden shimmer at the edge of his vision. In a flash, the ring and the box were gone. The air seemed to become translucent for a second, as though he were surrounded by millions of crystals, abruptly fading into nothing. Max spun around, gasping for breath.

“What the fuck?! Where…where did it go?”

His eyes wandered back to the protein shake he’d just had. Suddenly he felt dehydrated...and incredibly hungry.

“Fuck. Guess it’s time to cut back on the injections. And I have to eat something!”

He wandered back to the kitchen. In the right light, you could have just made out the emblem on his left ring finger where the ring had been seconds before.

The gnomes were back on the kitchen windowsill.

“Did it work?”

“Yeah, he put it on.”

“Yes! That’s an excellent sign.” He paused. “Not the brightest bulb on the tree, is he?”

“No. But he’ll be the biggest in no time.”

The other giggled. “It looks like he’s bigger already!”

Inside, Max was busy stuffing himself with the leftovers from the fridge. He had set a chair right in front of the door and seemed to be devouring everything he could get his hands on.

“Look at him grow!” the little magician said.

But Max wasn’t done. Swallowing, burping, and caressing his bulge, he continued to gorge himself for at least an hour. Night had fallen on the street by the time he stopped.

“Mmm, feels so good! What a feast!”

Max went back into the living room, where a glimpse of his half-naked form in the mirror stopped him in his tracks. His lifting regimen of the last few months was finally paying off—in spades!

He had just eaten enough for four, but his belly remained as flat as ever. His pecs, on the other hand, looked rounder and smoother. His shoulders seemed to be a little broader, and his upper arms looked like they’d gained a full inch in circumference. With a broad smile, he ran to his bathroom and jumped onto the scale.

“I’m up 30 pounds?! There’s no way…”

But there was no arguing with the number: 222!

“Nice! I’m getting huge, finally!”

The thought alone was enough to give him a hard-on. One look at his now thicker thighs, and he realized with a sudden surge that he needed to jerk off right then. He tore off his underwear, exposing a tight 5-incher that was radiating with sexual heat. His balls looked full and suddenly much better than average-sized.

“Mmm, big…so much bigger. More, mm, yes, more!” Max whispered to his image in the mirror before he came—a lot. After ten spurts, his reflection was drenched.

“Fuck, that was fast!”

The gnomes, outside of the bathroom window, were impressed.

“Okay, you were right,” the second admitted. “He might be the best candidate we’ve ever found.”

“Right? That load? The magic hasn’t even reached his balls yet, and he’s already a heavy cummer!”

“Did you see the way he looked at himself in the mirror? This is going to be too easy.”

“Now, all we have to do is wait.”

They turned their expectant gazes back inside. Max was already getting ready for a second round.

December Third 



A great start for what I'm sure is going to be another fantastic story of yours, can't wait for the rest!