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It was a fine summer afternoon and everyone was having fun at the BBQ until the end of the beer-drinking competition the bros started for fun. It started as a little ’boys will be boys’ but things ran out of hand when one of the competitors didn't stop drinking even though everyone else passed out of the race. 

He kept on drinking. More and more people started recording his inflating frame and everybody started guessing when he would finally stop chugging down more. At the end, when he finally stopped, he didn't look human anymore. He was waddling around, the beer in his body sloshing audibly, while saying: ’Did I make it? Did I win? I can drink more if you want to. I'm far from full!’

I wanna use this art filter to brighten up the more extreme morphs in the future. It instantly reminded me of DPhenix works ;)



David J. Brick

His pecs will leak beer now, lol.


I miss DPhenix


It is very dphenix and extremely hot

Transformation Guy 3

awesome work, but I've never understood the appeal of that filter


It just hides morphed areas because the density of pixels changes in these morphed areas. This filter reduces all surfaces.