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This is only the idea of a story. I don't have the time to write and edit it completely but I wanted to share this with you because I couldn't stop thinking about it. It's full of mistakes so please bare with me and my english skills.

Alex moves to a new town and with that, he has to move into a new gym. Luckily there's one right next to his new job, right in the finance district. 

The place looks kinda lost from outside but he goes in nevertheless. 

Without a test training, he can join within seconds under one condition: the trainer has to see him first. Still, on the first level of the super high city skyscraper, he follows the pretty muscular trainer to another room. To his surprise, he has to drop his clothes down to his briefs. He gets a few compliments for his form. 'You're a level 2 already', he says but after a pause and out of nowhere he grabs Alex's bulge that was covered by his hands before. Alex is blessed with almost 8 inches of heavy but still soft cock and the trainer is reconsidering now. 'Okay, you're a level 3 starter. We don't have much of those guys! Congratulation.'

After many more confusing and even more puzzling explanations, Alex is allowed to train on the third level of the building and only there. Everything above is strictly forbidden and out of access.

He's fine with it for now because he realizes that he's in good company on level 3. He finds some friends who are as eager to grow as he is. No one wonders how he could start this high after seeing his nice appendage under the shower and some of them even try to touch it but he's not made for that … for now.

After a year of constant and hard training, he finally gets promoted without any warning. He has added almost 28 pounds of muscles in the last 12 months and suddenly, while he was talking to one of his new friends, another trainer interrupts their talk. His even bigger than the one he saw on his first day here. Bulging biceps under a too tight shirt and Alex could even swear to see a massive bulge through the stranger's tight sweats. Not that he was interested in that.

The fourth level of the building looked quite similar to the third but the people who trained here on a daily basis were far bigger than the one from the level below. Alex finds new people who encourage him to grow even bigger than he had planned to. They introduce him to his new locker room, new daily weighting routines and a bar where he could grab things to eat and supplies. 

He sometimes starts to wonder where this gym finds an end. The strange thing is everyone believes they are on the final level of the gym but every now and then someone sees a man from the fifth level, a big hulking beast beyond Olympia level, and they wonder. Most of the men on stage 4 just want one thing: To reach the higher level and for that goal, they would almost do everything.

Alex starts to eat and train like a freak, he even skips work now and then by faking a sick day only to lift weights and compare with his new level-4-buddies. 

A thing he realizes quite fast about them is how hung his new friends are. They not only have the muscles but the cock to act like a true alpha too. 

'That's why so many guys from level three don't get here. They have the muscle but lack the real man's quality', his new friend used to say under the shower while milking his 8 incher in front of everyone else. Doing this on such an open display isn't rare on level 4, his current area.

One day the same guy get's promoted to the next stage and Alex is so jealous of him. He had seen the progress his friend had made in the last months and now he wanted it more than ever.

It takes Alex a whole year to get the promotion. He almost lost his spirit on the way to the next weight class but when the human tank from level 5, packed to the brim with muscles, told him to "move up" while doing some bench presses he couldn't believe it. The stranger stood right over him in a tank top and some dangerously tight sports shorts which were almost too short for the horse cock the guy was holding back there.

New Level, new rules. 

Alex gets introduced to his new locker room only accessible by the lift he now had a key for. Only a few pounds under three hundred pounds of muscles he was the smallest guy here. He meets an old friend he lost contact with a year ago after him being promoted. His buddy was already 80 pounds heavier in muscles and Alex soon discovers that this wasn't the only thing that had changed about him. Under the shower, while helping him scrubbing his wide back, he discovers the low hanging 11-inch monster cock swinging back and forth. After that, his friend shows him the machine which helped him grow like that. It is currently used by another guy Alex had never seen before. The stranger was laying on his stomach on a massive leather bench but he wasn't moving. Alex realizes that he cannot see the bottom of the bench because of some device being there and that the stranger's cock was caught in the machine, out of his sight. The guy was puffing and sweating like a god. After minutes of nothing happening the dude seems to have an orgasm and then he stands up from the bench as if nothing has happened, pulling a soft wrist-thick 13-inch monster cock from the middle section of the bench. Still spraying cum like a prize-winning bull the heavily packed muscle dude waddles away with a smile on his face.

'And this is how you train your cock on level 5', his old friend says.

The cock pump is almost always blocked by other members but Alex uses every chance he gets to finally become bigger where he wished to be massive. While doing so he meets some new friends and one of them has the most ridiculous cock Alex has ever seen. Unimaginably pumped and injected with multiple liters of silicon, a move that doesn't get you promoted faster as it seems. If you want to you can jerk him off by sticking your arm into that pumped monster but Alex passes. But there are a few times where he sees that act happening. And he doesn't look away.

Juicing is the norm on level 5 and everyone has his weekly doctor's appointments with needles, drinks and then some more.

After losing his job Alex moves into the fifth level of the gym. Three years of pumping iron and flesh later he weighs 480 pounds with a cock as thick as a two-liter bottle of cola and a length down to his knees and a few inches beyond. He's finally too big for clothes and walking becomes more of a problem day by day. He wishes to be immobilized by his muscles one day.

He realized long ago that some of his friends disappeared from his level now and then and he hoped for a sixth level to greet him soon. But the months pass without a sign of it.

While pumping his cock even bigger in the middle of the night, some heavy steps approach and an almost 7 feet tall god comes into view. His cock and balls are packed into a singlet. It looks like he's carrying 5-6 pillows in there, a size Alex could only dream of. 

'I'm here to get you to the next level.'

Alex releases his pumped cock and follows him. On the way to the elevator, he finally finds the guts to ask: 'How many more levels are there?'

'Level 6 is already waiting for you. As well as some familiar faces.'

'So this is it?'

'The thirteenth floor is the last one. Why are you asking?'


John Doadeer

i need to see the gods of floor 13 now lmao


I love this!!!😍