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Here is a little fun fact: When you cancel your Patreon plan for my account  you can tell me what was setting you off and I get a summary of that somewhere in the backend of my account. And some of these comments are the wildest thing here on Patreon.

The most recent is this one. And it makes me just ???

Another thing people often mention is that they want to cut porn from their lives what I totally understand. 

But every so often I have these little stories in this section where someone is finally able to buy a house for his family and wants to save some money for that. That's so fucking cute :D

What I actually wanted to say is that I'm thankful for every kind of feedback. I can't change the bad things about this little project of mine without you telling me what you think about it. So if you leave one day, be so kind and tell me what changed your mind. And please don't think I will be mad or sad if you leave … life is expensive and shit and I understand that.

Muchas Gracias!


Johnny Gayzmonic

1. These are great muscle morphs. 2. You want to save for a house? That's great. $5 a month is going to stop you from doing that? Really?


Please don't mock the house building one :D He's cute — and if you cut 10 things out of your life that cost $5 each month you'll start saving big money over the months :D just saying

Curly Jin

That flipped so quickly and I love it <3