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This app gives the whole vamX Chat AI a more conversational feel. You don't hold down buttons to speak to her, and she'll probably interrupt you.

You need to download a separate app that we made, so you can have your voice sent directly to speech to text servers, without passing through Virt-a-Mate, for much faster results.

Speech recognition requires a high quality headset with a boom microphone (a microphone that is placed near your mouth), or the built-in microphone from a good VR headset. Background noise can be translated to random text by the AI.

Download the separate Chat AI speech recognition app BETA:

This speech recognition should also be more accurate.

This is an early beta, additional options will be available in the future.

Please note, if you start seeing what she says appear as if you said it, your speaker/headset is too loud (loud enough that your microphone hears the speech from your headset). If your microphone hears any speech, it will be transcribed!

This is very new, and separate apps can have dependency issues. Please let me know if you try this and get it working (or can't get it working)!



If that happens you need to turn down the volume of your headset / speaker, as your microphone is hearing her talk.


mhh cant insert images... anyway, just tested the deepgram tool and its actually sending advertise. "Got to Beadaholique.com for all your beading supply needs!" Its nothing i said or noise that it made up coz that wasnt sent from the deepgram app on my PC. also current model loaded was sfw chatgpt 4.


Insert images? Explain more. Where do you want to insert them? I guess you mean that deepgram thinks that's what you said? Did you have the TV on in the background??? Perhaps check your microphone settings in Windows, maybe the microphone volume is set very low? Are you using a headset microphone? Built-in computer micrphone's are generally not good enough.


na...i ment i cant insert an image into the comment section here. no, no TV running or else and even if, it would have shown in deepgrams interface wouldnt it? using the builtin laptop microphone and never had issues with that before. again if deepgram would have picked something up is would have written it in its interface wouldnt it? that wasnt the case so that suggests it must have been injected from outside of my pc?


AI voice recognition is different than standard voice recognition. It, like Chat AI, often "hallucinates". By this I mean that if you aren't very careful, it prefers to guess that silence is some random set of words, instead of silence. This is also true with Whisper. In fact, when we try to get results from whisper, I send a silly AI instruction string something like "The following voice sample probably is silence." otherwise it hallucinates too much. So don't worry if it generates random stuff, AIs just currently tend to that.