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vamX 1.7 Video (1-minute NSFW):

vamX 1.7 Tutorial (4-minutes NSFW):
Mega or X VIDEOS (set the quality in x videos to 1080p).


vamX can now load into any scene. To Load vamX into a scene open the Virt-a-Mate main menu -> then press Merge Load Scene.

What works: Changing looks, clothes, adding voice/music, detecting and animating most current poses (based on what it was: sex, blow j*b, etc.), changing pose, adding toys, BDSM, fantasy items, changing lighting, adding plugins, facial expression emotions for the female and changing the environment (for example if you start with a scene that is basically just a look or pose, you can add the background Scene).


You can now also save (and load) scenes created with vamX, including standard vamX and merge loaded scenes. This way you can customize a vamX experience, save it, and load it later to resume that experience.


For female and male looks you can now quickly load both Legacy (vamX uses Legacy looks) or new Appearance Preset type looks. 

You can now add female pelvis gyrating (circular movements) as well as male hip gyrating (forward and back gyrating). 

Improved move poses. Now, after you set the couple's pose, if there is a third person, you then set the third person's location.




Thank you, going to try this later today! I'm so glad I subbed!


Do I have to leave the old versions on it 1.5 1.6 or remove before?


Either way is fine. The advantage to removing old versions is that you don't end up opening the vamX scene from 1.5 or 1.6. If you haven't saved any modified vamX scenes (which didn't work well in previous versions anyway) there isn't any reason to keep an older version of vamX. The safest option is just to move 1.5 and 1.6 to another folder temporarily, and put in 1.7




Thank you

David VR

Hey good work :) clould you change this for other Controllers "controller vibrate when you touch people" for valve index etc. pls! I really need that


I wanted to, but it's technically impossible due to restrictions around what is blocked in terms of scripting by Virt-a-Mate. I've been in contact directly with MeshedVR around this issue.


Hey, I feel super noob and can someone tell me how to get visible interact hands to represent my controllers? All I have are the red and blue orbs, but I can't find how to have controllable hands


Open any scene -> Virt-a-Mate menu UI -> Open Main UI (three horizontal bars) -> User Preferences tab -> VR 2 tab -> Left Hand Choice set to Male 1 or 2 (if link is checked this will also automatically set the right hand). You may also want to check the Use Collision box so you can touch people and have it affect them.

Mal Terra

hey i just downloaded this and VaM wouldnt boot up. I uninstalled vamx and VaM worked again. I dont suppose you know the cause?


That's very strange. When you say uninstalled vamX, what do you mean? To "install" vamX you only drag one .var package file into the AddonPackages folder. To install vamX, did you download the vamX.1.7.var and drag it (without extracting it) into your Virt-a-Mate/AddonPackages folder? If not, please try just dragging the vamX.1.7.var package in/out of your AddonPackages folder and let me know if that's really what makes the difference in VaM starting up.


Hey, so by and large I'm loving this. The plugin integration is amazing and really makes this a flexible tool, and I love the dynamic poses and expression system. That said, is there a way to stop the grab buttons on Oculus from bringing up the vamX UI? Every time I try to adjust a pose the UI comes up and gets in the way, it's driving me crazy (especially when I'm trying to do video capture).


If you press on the Hide button on the vamX UI, then the grab button will stop working to hide/show the UI until you find and press the Show button (which the Hide button turned into when you pressed Hide) or open the Virt-a-Mate UI and press the vamX button. I actually forgot this was a feature, thanks for the reminder.