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Download vamX.Space_Station.1 - for VaM 1.20.77.x 

Or download the Space Station from Mega 

The Space Station is a large environment. As captain, you can first choose your crew, including their sexual orientation, and let them know what everyone should be doing (exercising, relaxing, various sexual activities...).  Then you are free to walk around and explore to check up on your crew in various parts of the station.

Space Station uses a mechanic with almost invisible triggers that move and change people, to allow for the sense of a ship filled with people, while Virt-a-Mate only has to handle the 1-3 people actually shown at any time.  This mechanic is not 100% reliable, if you have issues use the vamX control panel to choose a new Pose, or the vamX Story Controls to go to the next item.


Make sure you have Virt-a-Mate 1.20.77.x and vamX 1.5!

Then Download vamX.Space_Station.1.var and put it in your VAM/AddonPackages folder. Don't unzip var files!


Tell your crew what to do, then walk around the space station and see what they are up to.

In VR you may want to increase move speed in User Preferences -> Navigation. I like setting the Position and/or Free Nav Multipliers to 4.

Choose your sexual orientation. There are 4 main sexual orientations, FUTA (girl with a dick), Lesbian, Gay, Straight. These are controlled by the buttons on the table in the dining room. After choosing a sexual orientation you can click Alien to allow animal / alien / robot / monster type variations of whatever orientation you chose.

To fully change the orientation make sure all 3 people are visible, otherwise you only change the orientation of the visible people.

By default as you walk around you will see only the same 3 people throughout the station. Click rotating crew for a never ending random supply of changing crew members doing different activities.

There are 5 main activities, which can be controlled by the buttons on the table in the dining room. From left to right these start the crew exercising (get fit), dancing, getting horny (foreplay), going all the way (sex), and then into orgies (threesomes).

Each activity contains many variations, chosen at random. So if you start the same activity multiple times, you will get different types of exercise, different dances, different sexual positions, etc.

When walking around, you can open the vamX UI -> Story Controls and press Skip to Next Sexual Stage to go to the next activity.  To change the variation of the activity press Play Next in Story Controls.

In the dining room you can also press buttons for common activities, such as undressing, changing music, as well as controlling the lights.  Animations take some frame rate, so if you want you can press the Extra Lights Off button to increase frame rate at the expense of the people looking less beautiful / realistic.

Look for almost invisible floating blue square triggers. These will load new poses, locations, and activities throughout the level.

Known Issues

It's awesome, but not perfectly bug free.

Because of all of the random actions, and the difficulty in getting the same poses and animations to various parts of the space station, sometimes (often) sex poses won't be perfectly aligned when going into a new pose or new location of the space station. You can improve alignment by opening the vamX menu, going to Pose, and manually choose the pose you want. For animations (exercise, dance) going to the next item with Play Next or pressing the Get Fit or Dance Break buttons in the dining room. Occasionally when changing between animations and sex poses you will be reset to the starting area. If the crew get out of place and start pressing buttons in the dining room, you're in trouble.

One user reported an issue that his copy of VaM was crashing, so I created a lite version with fewer atoms by removing the push buttons (there are still UIButtons you can push). This download includes the entire normal Space Station scene plus an additional "Fewer Buttons" scene: https://gofile.io/d/22QcRJ



I cant play in the space station, always crash when i press dinner table buttons and do any changes in atom. i have set the graphic to ultra low, still the same. I can play vamx 1.5, just cant play space station


I wonder if its an issue with the amount of RAM your system has. I created a Fewer Buttons version of the scene, see the bottom of the main post on this page, hopefully that build helps. If not, let me know your computer specs.


Thanks for your care. My spec is a bottom line with 16GB Ram and 1070 graphic card. Hoping to upgrade my PC in couple of months