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La Douche Beta 8.4


Shortly will post a Whats New Post

Oculus requires SteamVR

Note: A black screen and a crash has been observed in beta 8, the link has been updated to a dev build 8.4 which attempts to address the crashes, let me know if you still experience a crash.
If you still experience a crash you can try to have Steam VR fully active and tracking before launching the game. I would also appreciate if you let me know the log you see on the dev console appearing in the game. 

Non VR Users, you may see a developer console saying that no VR was detected, that is expected, just close the console.

Altertative download link  use if primary doesnt work (its slower)



Vreem de Ling

Hi. Bug? I do hear sounds, but on my monitor just a black screen and Oculus is not reacting. Oculus App is running and working but the Douche scene is not showing?


Hi, are you also running Steam VR? Steam VR is required for the Oculus to work


I tried it with riftcat and steamvr. I have a blank screen but with ESC i see the controls. SteamVR says: "(No Answer) LaDouche". Maybe problems with amd graphic cards?


For those who are getting crashes or black screens try this: Make sure SteamVR is active and tracking before launching the game. If you already had this problem it may be necessary to restart your computer. Im working on a fix to prevent this crash, it seems that Im accessing the SteamVR framework before it is even initialized, thats why its crashing or showing black screens.


Just updated the link to a beta 8.1 dev build which attepts to fix the crashes. If you still experience a crash you can try to have Steam VR fully active and tracking before launching the game. I would also appreciate if you let me know the log you see on the dev console appearing in the game. Im sorry for the trouble and thanks a lot for your testing.


OK, I have identified the problem of the black screen for No VR Users, will update the link with a fix shortly. Im hoping this will also fix the problem of starting the game before starting Steam VR for a few VR Users. Im sorry non VR users, I screw up this build =/


Hi, are you still experiencing problems with the beta 8.4? I updated the download links and now they point to it. Let me know, thank you.


Not working with riftcat and SteamVr. I see the unity logo on my device, but after that, the game say no VR device and SteamVR: No Answer, LaDouche. Is there a way to force SteamVR?


Oh I have not tried riftcat, did any of the previous beta was working with riftcat? I will need to get riftcat and start playing with it to see what is the problem


Hmmm...Keeps telling me a key component of steamVR isn't working properly. Will not load onto headset.


When it plays on desktop the errors in red are: VR: OpenVR Error! OpenVR failed initialization with error code VRinitError_IPC_ConnectFailedAfterMultipleAttempts: "Shared IPC Connect Failed After Multiple Attempts (308)"!


Yes, I can play other games with steam vr, but when I open the exe it then gives the error. Steam vr gives error first then I see the errors on the desktop version of your app.


I'm trying to reinstal after clearing out space on my computer and now it's saying the password is not correct?


I tried it with versions 4-8.4. Unity Logo at beginning move with my headset. But if the scene is loaded VR stopped.


From Beta8.4: (Filename: G:/ZnelArtsGit/LaDouche/Assets/Scripts/Utils/ZNEVRControllerChecker.cs Line: 20) Couldnt determine VR Device type. Defaulting to Non VR Riftcat uses SteamVR to catch video input and send Moving to the application. Could you make me an commandline parameter to override the detection with force to OSVR/SteamVR Mode? If you had an android 5+ device, you could test with the free demo version of Riftcat. Please let me know if i could help you with some log files.


I just ordered an android device for testing, Once I get it I will definitely test it with riftcat. I think I have an idea of the problem based on the input you posted above. Thanks man


Is there any way of choosing to use a game controller instead of the vive controllers, I am using a PSVR headset and all works fine except i'm stuck in the middle of the room with no options to control anything, other than look around.\


Oh, how do you use a PSVR headset? I guess some kind of bridge through Steam VR. Hummm, well, at this moment not even Oculus Users can move around. Can you at least use the keyboard to bring the girl menu or switch girls?


I used Trinus PSVR. You can play all steam VR games and Ines that require a game controller work with my PS4 pad. There keyboard dosnt function at all once the game is loaded, it looks great though! Just stuck in the middle of the room is "frustrating" lol.


Man Im sorry about that, Let me see if I can keep the controller input when running on Steam VR, or at least the keyboard input, will look at it for the next beta.


I would love an option to turn off the body and just have floating hands. Maybe in the mirror show the full body, because if I leave a touch lying on the table, the arm stretches so far.

Seth McClain

Any thoughts on SteamVR for linux?


Is there a post somewhere about what we can do so far with that build ? We ll we be able to fuck her at some point or through the use of dildos and stuff ?


Hi, I wont go that hardcore with La Douche, for hardcore stuff Im working on The Villain Simulator. For LD I would like to create some beautiful and relaxing experience


Erf soory i intended to post this onthe VS post lol