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I spent most ot my time improving some of my operational processes, I moved all my projects to a versioning platform (Github), also configured Cloud Builds for my projects so I can detect faster when there is a problem.

Anyway, with the project now on Github I can manage better my tasks on an Agile way, I wish I could make the dashboard public for you to see but on its defect I will be posting screenshots on future status updates, like this one.




Waiting for Beta8 and hoping the Oculus Touch works then. ;-)


Thanks! right now Oculus Touch partially works, have you tried it??


Yes, but it works not so well, to move with the left stick i have to push the left stick down!


Going full DevOps eh? You never go full DevOps.


At some point I hope I will be able to hire a full DevOp so I can just create my games and forget about everything else =)


Trying to move the sliders on the menu with the vive controler. Cant seem to get it working. The finger is pointing, the white dot appears when I press down on the thumb but nothing else happens no matter what button (or no button) I try in conjunction. What am I doing wrong?


Hello, try this. Once the Menu appears, press the touchpad to make the had to point, once it is pointing put the finger over the Dial and drag the dial. Let me know if that works.


The menu appears, my finger is already pointing. I press the touchpad to get a white dot and ... do everything I can think of to get any category to move and nothing.


SOmetimes if the controllers are not detected before starting the game, they may not work. Try starting the game again after both controllers are already tracking on SteamVR. Let me know if that works


It worked. I often wake up my controllers after I turn on the system. Thanks for the tip.


Nice! sorry for that inconvenience, I will see if there is a way to attach all the scripts as soon as the controller is detected and not rely that the controllers are on when users start the game.


That Agile joke pains me. Btw you shouldn't ship the .pdb in the beta builds. Those are for Visual Studio to debug with.


Why so about the joke? About the .pdb, I thought that was to symbolocate logs, a few people has sent me some logs. Don't I need the .pdb?


Sorry hearing Agile triggers me. Pdb files are symbolic databases of your application. Your debugger uses it keep track of values in your application runtime. It's to keep track of values in debugging to make debugging easier. For user logs, you should log to a file users can easily access like somewhere in %TEMP%.


I see <a href="https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/WindowsDebugging.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/WindowsDebugging.html</a> So what I should do is upload the .pdb files to a symbol server in case I need to symbolocate a crash dump or some stack trace. But I should not distribute it.


Those files get generated anytime you build in debug. You don't need to hold on to them.


If only it was ever possible to forget about everything and just code :)


Other Guy - I am with you brother. I'm a disciple of PROGRAMMING MOTHERF*CKER! DO YOU SPEAK IT!? Agile is Satan. If Agile/Waterfall/Etc spent half the time they spend planning on code- it would actually work.


Nicola - the trick is knowing enough so that you can do (mostly) everything involved with the rest of the lifecycle of a piece of software/code. I've found that many developers lock themselves inside imaginary boxes and they ignore all the other stuff that happens with software before and after they code it. This is the origin of the developer who literally has no idea how his own software is deployed or works in the real world. Or how to fix it. My Advice: Don't lock yourself in a box. If you can write code you can build a network, learn devops, work with the cloud, etc.


Also I have a touch on the way. I'll let you know what happens.