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I know a few of you liked this girl so here it is for you.

download character 

How to import

1- Use the Character Creator to import

2- Then save it into an slot

3- Now use the Character Selection Console and select that slot

Quick Update

Beta 29 is almost ready and it comes with the interaction that has been missing all along, I would not be able to talk much about this new interaction here but I'm sure you know what is it about.
We will do everything we can to release this before the end of the month so stay tuned!





Looking forward to it, as always :D

Andrew Nelson

will there be more bondage positions?

Andrew Nelson

And there are six more girls under development, can we submit ideals?


Future girls are already planned. For rights reasons I am not able to accept suggestions of any copyrighted character, however I accept suggestion for costumes that you wish they could be added to the character creator so you can build your own girl

Andrew Nelson

I see a lot of superhero outfits for the girls. Can we get something like a maid's outfit? May be a nurse outfit as well? A school teacher, or cop outfit? Right now, I only see a bunny outfit.


Those are very interesting suggestions, let me put it on my list of things to keep in mind when working on outfits, I might be able to add something.

Andrew Nelson

Could we also get bdsm outfits and plugs for the girls as well, or are they already planned?