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Why not work tvs beta 33 ??

Mr D

First of all, very cool game, completely twisted 😉👍 though I’ve messed up I think. I played it once linked to my quest2.. then started poking around in the options and madly tweaked the graphics… bad idea as I’ve no idea what I’m doing, total newbie. But it caused the game to freeze and so I restarted. But this time when selecting vr, the game loads in desktop view, with groups of icons in bottom left corner, but cannot use keyboard or controller for interaction. So I decided to uninstall and reinstall the game, but same thing happened!! What’s gone wrong! What have I done? 😕… thanks in advance 🙏


You might want to join the Discord for support. Just one tip, to do a clean reinstall, you also have to delete the %userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\ZnelArts\TheVillainSimulator folder, that is where the settings are. Just export any heroines first, if you have created some.


its asking for a password to get into the file?

james ceurvels

ok first off need detaild instructions on how to adjust hight for ppl who are sitting down(kinda hard for ppl to play with bad balance aka prostetic leg) and 2 controls dont work in vr for the 5 buttons down below in the desktop and they don't show in the vr screen. no story or other girls to speak of just the 2 modes of tutaral. a little help here plz.


On Steam vr, there is a software called OVR Advanced settings. You can use it to offset the height of the player character to play while sitting.

john barret

ive played the game and i absolutely love it. huge fan. what about orgasm torture. like if you stimulate the clit immediately after orgasm it could cause more distress then just sexual feelings. anyone whos gone down on their gf knows they will try and push there head away after they finish.

john barret

Tickling is hands down the best feature, we already have a milking machine and automatic sex machine. what about an automatic tickle machine (i'm sure you can render it for a attachment on the sex machine and more arms able to come out to hit all the desired location) . after reaching a certain point the subject could pee themselves or just purely go into madness. tickling has always been considered a joke but it is INTENSE torture, that has a HIGH Effective rate on those who suffer from the sensation. oh if you could add a electric tooth brush and make the ass a tickle spot those two things a make instant Torture. convulsions, crying it could be epic. I've also noticed, that tickling in VR the hand on activates on the subjects right foot on the other one the hand doesn't move the fingers. plus in the game there is no reaction to tickling multiple spots like armpit and foot or both feet. i just feel like the reaction needs to be more immediate with tickling multiple spots. This game has so much potential I absolutely love it. I cannot wait for the real game to come out. simply amazing.


You can say its Great and if you want to Say it isnt you didnt have enjoyed it so KEEP PLAYING


I've had the ITCH teir for a while but I can't find any change logs to see whats new unless I pay patreon and come back here for details. I also notice the bow and arrow does not work anymore, I have an early beta that works, but the last 2 versions you can't nock the arrow.


The latest version performs way better! Nice work.


This is great, but I'm having a hard time choking them while having sex and they don't pass out from choking, but I thought I read you added that. By hard time, I mean the camera is so close it makes it hard to use the hands. I can still do it, but they don't pass out. Is passing out from choking fixed in the Halloween version?


sorry sir i have question why is my character fixed in the cabin and unable to move when using VR, with no hands or any reaction? vr model: valve Index


I don't know if you are aware of this yet, but there is a borderline game breaking bug in TVS where if you press y it will open the menu and but will also lock you into a height changing state, so one arm is unable to do anything besides pull you up and down. It's incredibly annoying especially when I want to play the game lying down and I can't do anything after trying to change my height.


Any chance we can get the lovense ip and ports saved?


Hey - VR doesn't load with my Quest 2 / and now Quest 3 - used to work on the older models. Is there a known bug / issue right now?

Zhou Zhou



Can anyone help I’m using a Mac and want to enter car mode is it possible?

Diego Martinez

When I extract the zip file, they come out as regular files. How do I execute them?


Hi There Game crashes from the get go and I get a message that it is a DearVR issue any clues?


Could you send me some logs over Discord? https://discord.gg/c25BbmPZYj


any chance we get a strafe or i didn t find it .


Quick question about ich.io. do i have to buy the game there again or is it just on my end that it's flippin out?


Any clue on how to get the itch.io key please ? I can't find it.

guiding killik

is the game on standalone lr pc and pcvf only?

Gerald Faust

the itch.io key cant find it i only get the 0.36.1 download

Neo L

Lsa .

why i need a key for winrar? help


Amazing beta works great for me cheat codes and everything ,(quest 3) look forward to more ! Only thing I did have was the arm bug mentioned above “ Is there any plan to add handcuffs , leg ropes and more semi free bondage stuff ?


What is the passcode for the zip?


Optimal Graphics settings for Villian simulator? I'm using a 6600 xt and 16 gb. How do I adjust the game for best performance?


Hello, I would adjust the quality setting and use a fps counter to see which one yields best performance


End Times Calling End Times Calling 43 minutes ago (edited) I think the game is setup well. Good feature to play with. It would be nice if they could allow you to go back to the main level without having to have the robot tell you the same thing each time you go back to play from the char customizer. You know how you have too activate it each time. Kinda waste my time during play. Also they should have the option to play in a window or full screen. That way you can close or drop the window if you play at work. Not that you should but the option should be there. I just joined to test out the game. Very good work. Can we have her standing up too.


THink I replied to you in YT but here is again. Thanks!, As for the Robot, you probably haven't finished the tutorial, once the tutorial finishes the robot wont bother you anymore. Alternatively yo can disable the tutorial from Settings. There is an option to play it on window or full screen, just check the game Settings.

Nick Finer (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-25 03:44:45
2023-11-25 03:44:45
2023-11-25 03:44:45
2023-11-25 03:44:45
2023-11-25 03:44:45
2023-11-25 03:44:45
2023-11-25 03:44:45
2023-11-25 03:44:45
2023-11-25 03:44:45
2023-11-25 03:44:45
2022-05-08 22:36:53


Hello, usually people fix this by calibrating the floor and configuring their SteamVR play area. The game uses whatever height is given by SteamVR

Nick Finer (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-16 12:09:50 Finally got the height issue fixed. Love this. I have been messing around with character creation and see that textures from daz3d can be imported. just a question but will you be adding a import for the full gen8 models from daz? The textures from daz are set to their specific models and do not do much when imported. Thank you for what you do
2022-10-16 12:09:50 Finally got the height issue fixed. Love this. I have been messing around with character creation and see that textures from daz3d can be imported. just a question but will you be adding a import for the full gen8 models from daz? The textures from daz are set to their specific models and do not do much when imported. Thank you for what you do
2022-10-16 12:09:50 Finally got the height issue fixed. Love this. I have been messing around with character creation and see that textures from daz3d can be imported. just a question but will you be adding a import for the full gen8 models from daz? The textures from daz are set to their specific models and do not do much when imported. Thank you for what you do
2022-10-16 12:09:50 Finally got the height issue fixed. Love this. I have been messing around with character creation and see that textures from daz3d can be imported. just a question but will you be adding a import for the full gen8 models from daz? The textures from daz are set to their specific models and do not do much when imported. Thank you for what you do
2022-10-16 12:09:50 Finally got the height issue fixed. Love this. I have been messing around with character creation and see that textures from daz3d can be imported. just a question but will you be adding a import for the full gen8 models from daz? The textures from daz are set to their specific models and do not do much when imported. Thank you for what you do
2022-10-16 12:09:50 Finally got the height issue fixed. Love this. I have been messing around with character creation and see that textures from daz3d can be imported. just a question but will you be adding a import for the full gen8 models from daz? The textures from daz are set to their specific models and do not do much when imported. Thank you for what you do
2022-10-16 12:09:50 Finally got the height issue fixed. Love this. I have been messing around with character creation and see that textures from daz3d can be imported. just a question but will you be adding a import for the full gen8 models from daz? The textures from daz are set to their specific models and do not do much when imported. Thank you for what you do
2022-10-16 12:09:50 Finally got the height issue fixed. Love this. I have been messing around with character creation and see that textures from daz3d can be imported. just a question but will you be adding a import for the full gen8 models from daz? The textures from daz are set to their specific models and do not do much when imported. Thank you for what you do
2022-10-16 12:09:50 Finally got the height issue fixed. Love this. I have been messing around with character creation and see that textures from daz3d can be imported. just a question but will you be adding a import for the full gen8 models from daz? The textures from daz are set to their specific models and do not do much when imported. Thank you for what you do
2022-10-16 12:09:50 Finally got the height issue fixed. Love this. I have been messing around with character creation and see that textures from daz3d can be imported. just a question but will you be adding a import for the full gen8 models from daz? The textures from daz are set to their specific models and do not do much when imported. Thank you for what you do
2022-05-10 03:34:19 Finally got the height issue fixed. Love this. I have been messing around with character creation and see that textures from daz3d can be imported. just a question but will you be adding a import for the full gen8 models from daz? The textures from daz are set to their specific models and do not do much when imported. Thank you for what you do

Finally got the height issue fixed. Love this. I have been messing around with character creation and see that textures from daz3d can be imported. just a question but will you be adding a import for the full gen8 models from daz? The textures from daz are set to their specific models and do not do much when imported. Thank you for what you do

Lisa McFortin

Suggest a faster compiler for the Mac version. It's been building for 3 weeks.


Hello, you can only import textures, G8 textures also work but not G8.1. Im glad you got the height figured out!

Rick Mechanic

i cant find the execution file anywhere after unzipping


Try disabling your antivirus, it might think the exe is malware and it is deleting it


can you please give us different download sites, I don't want to pay for mega and sync is exorbitantly slow


You don't have to pay, I am already paying mega and sync so anybody can download these links at the maximum speed your internet plan supports.


How can I restart the tutorial? I had to bail due to guests, and want to start over.