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The Villain Simulator Beta 18 is out, you can download it here 

What is new in this build:

Character Creator Early Access

Now from the Main Menu you can access the Character Creator Screen, in here you can use the button on the left to customize the shape of your character and then save it on one of the 5 slots available. Once you save it you will be able to load it in the game using the Character Selection Console.

Why is the character red? How do I change the skin?

I have not yet added textures to the new model I'm using for this feature, this will be ready soon and available for beta 19 with the ability to import your own textures! (hey modders)

Devious Device

The new machine is available now, this one sets up the scenario for a new mechanic, Slapping

Slap and Punch

On this build slapping is only available for VR as Im in the works of porting this to Desktop Mode. The game will detect if you have your hand open or closed and apply the right effect when interacting, additionally I have added a decal system allowing the interaction to paint details on the characters, like slap hand prints. I will gradually leverage this system to add details when interacting with the other items.

Anything else?

Yeah, as usual I read your feedback and I have been fixing some bugs, improving the interactions and overall keeping the game up to date with technology. Here is a list of  additional major things that changed:

  • Better red eyes for Tifany
  • Fixing issue where Tifany and Catgirl clothes arent dissolved after dissolving the main body
  • Adding Scene Loading Screens
  • Dematerializer, Dart Gun, Pong Ball gun now use Steam VR Hand pose system
  • Tifany pectorals now react to physics
  • Fixing Breath Tween not working after milk cup was deattached once
  • Improving Milking cup mesh and materials
  • Reconfigure nipple sockets on all characters
  • Deleting around 1GB of unused assets making the build smaller
  • Adding better pubic Hair to Tifany and configuring Bend Influencers


Desktop Mode Controls

WASD - Movement

E - Grab/Interact

R - Reset Game

Ctrl - Toggle Crouch

Left Click - Shoot/activate

Right Click - Toggle Hands / Toggle Laser Aim

VR Mode Controls

Trigger - Shot / Interact / Activate UI Buttons

Grab - Grab

Joystick/Pad up - Teleport / UI Pointer

Joystick/Pad left/right - Snap Turn

Right Menu Button -  Toggle Laser Aim

I hope you like this version and the direction the game is going. For the next iteration I have a few goals.

  • Bring Slap/Punch mechanics to Desktop Mode
  • Add Skin sets and custom textures to character creator
  • Add basic hairs and clothes to character creator
  • Start working on the game narrative

Once I accomplish this tasks I will be sharing the next update.

Thanks again everybody for supporting me! 


What is new in The Villain Simulator Beta 18

The Villain Simulator Beta 18 has been released. Check out what is new For more information please visit my Patreon page: patreon.com/ZnelArts ► PATREON PAGE Patreon: http://bit.ly/zn3zw1t ► SOCIAL MEDIA • ZnelArts: http://bit.ly/2HkbSLe • Newgrounds: http://bit.ly/2Hjt4R4 • Twitter: http://bit.ly/2HiMaXC • Facebook: http://bit.ly/2HhM96f • GameJolt: http://bit.ly/2HmcUXg



Isn't it the beta 18? You wrote 17 on the top 🤔


Awesome! But wish the breast size could be adjusted to smaller.

Red T. Basco

you are so totally Awesome Great job :)


LOVING this game! Playing more than Alyx


During the extraction process i get a warning from my virus scanner: network-insight threat ...


That is weird, I dont know why your virus scanner would detect that. Do this happens with previous versions?


It happens only with the current beta. According to the scanner the .exe file contains the threat.

Hiro P

Hi, I am a new patreon of this impressive game TVS. And also played around a bit in the new beta. But I have the impression that I am not managed to use the whole content. Changing the girl for example or using the different devices correctly. So my question:is there a manual what can be done there? I'm using the Valve Index. Is it fully supported? I'm asking because the buttons on the controllers do nothing.


I can't interact with any ui buttons in vr. Im on the Oculus rift


Is anyone else having the same issue or just the 3 of us?


hahahah you are a genius


Hopefully you've already figured it but you have to pull back on the joystick (preferably the left joystick since it seems to work or activate more often on that side) and it'll activate the laser guide. The laser is what allows you to interact with the ui controls. Hope this helps!


I really like the direction of the game, but there are a few things so frustrating, I eventually rage quit... - If I throw weapons or tools away and change the setting (meaning the girl or the harness), the weapon is just gone. Is there any way to get it to spawn back? - What if I want to start over? I couldn´t activate a menu in VR. Had to close and reopen the app on the computer - Interactions with ingame menus (character menu, strap settings, harness menu) are really frustrating with the Oculus. How do you select / slide? Otherwise it´s a really great and innovative game!


Im really sorry for the frustration, on this iteration Im working on a remote grab for the items as well as respawning features. I hope I can start working on a VR menu to restart or quit and I will be adding a second way to interact with panels and hopefully that can resolve a few issues.


Sorry again for the frustration and I hope the next version will be better. Thanks for your feedback and support


Was ich schade finde das man es nicht mit allen VR Heatset spielen kann, ich habe z.B. die HP Reverb und leider kann ich mit keiner Schaltfläche interagieren. blöde ist das man so keinen Spiel Spaß hat.


how do you undress?


use the zap gun


New player here, really liking what's in there so far! It's the best looking game of it's kind, in my opinion, and I can see a lot of potential in the premise. Speaking of potential, really looking forward to custom character textures!

William Wilson

New sub thanks to Captain Hardcore, in VR the cat girl's muscle definition is way too exaugurated compared to the picture on your home page. Not saying muscle girls are bad but she just looks lumpy especially her abs.


I finally have gotten around to trying beta 18 and while it's very different from version 12 which I played last, there are several issues with the rift version CV1, I cannot seem to grab on to the hero's parts not sure if that was a thing before or not, secondly, I am unable to select anything in the UI interfaces, like the machines, and lastly, a in VR option to restart or respawn items and grab items from a short distance as mentioned before would be amazing for BETA 19