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So when I updated the game engine something important got lost, as many of you pointed out the Quality and Resolution Dialog is gone. 

This feature was removed in the latest engine and although it was on my plans to eventually create this options in-game, now I was forced to do it quick since for many of you the game might not be playable with the default settings and you may want to lower the quality or resolution.

Thanks to your feedback I have also addressed all Tifany issues. In short, here is a list of all things fixed that will come on the next beta:

  • Added In-Game Settings
  • Tifany Hair now looks good
  • Added physics to Tifany Hair
  • Disintegrating boots and stockings wont disintegrate the character
  • Fixed Hand to Mouth Interaction for Desktop Mode
  • Main Machine Hole Is dark so players wont see the weird character flipping.

There are some things that are still in progress and I want to get done before the next beta, I would like to add non VR functionality to the Bow so I can start adding the bow mini game. 

Im also tired of seeing the fingers sticking out of the Automata character, so Im working on a system that will hide parts of body that are covered by clothes, this will save some computational resources and prevent weird glitches in which skin can be seen trough the clothes.

Thanks again everybody for your support, allow me to continue working on it.

Best Regards.




Nice work!


In VR none of the machine controls worked. I couldn't change character, operate the rack or any of the other peripherals. Toys and hand contact with the model were fine however.


Hello, have you tried pulling the joystick down and then pressing the trigger to activate the UI?


In VR i can't seem to figure out the Hand to Mouth interaction, is that Desktop only?


I'm having an issue where I cant interact with any of the consoles, I can teleport and pick up objects but not interact with the screens. I tried pulling down on the stick and touchpad and pressing the trigger but nothing happens


Samsung Odyssey here. same issue. can't interact with any consoles or shoot the bow. Any solution?