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This build introduces the new character Tifany

  • Tifany is a parody of the Sfi-Fi RPG Videogame genre.
  • All individual cloth pieces can be dematerialized.
  • She is ready to be mounted on the 2 machines available in the game and all usual interaction should be available.
  • Please let me know if you experience any issues with her.
  • This update has a fix for the cheat console




Bug report: when I remove her right sock she is disintegrated.


Tried another time, this time it works. I think the lower body is kind of overlapping somehow with the clothing?


she disintegrates when i hit her boots... I cant imagine trying to get her suspenders


i hit one at point blank range trying to hit the black top without hitting the white one... it disintegrated.


did the post about the cheat console for TVS Beta 16 get deleted? I posted that the code didn't work and a few other issues like not being able to re-spawn TIFAny from the character selector screen in the back of the room... the buggy collisions for the disintegration etc.... no reply just gone.


The model for Tiffany is cool, but the thighs look really weird when she is on the Ring mount, almost like the proportions don't really match the rest of the body. The face is also a little bland compared to the cat girl. I really enjoy the model so I hope that isn't taken as rude but just for the sake of feedback I wanted to mention the things I noticed at first glance, thanks for your continued work on the game!


Hello, I did remove the code post until I figure out what is going on. Question for you, what quality settings are you using to run the game? I didn’t test other settings and I believe there is some geometry clipping on lower settings that is causing the buggy behavior.


Thanks for your feedback, I will investigate the thighs issue over the weekend. Im still tweaking the textures so is good that you point this out so I can work on it. Btw, Im also improving the hair


Question: Which quality settings are you using to run the game? I believe there is some geometry clipping on lower settings that is causing the buggy behavior.


I don't think I have a choice though. On earlier versions I saw a box where I can choose from different settings, but on beta 16 when I run TheVillianSimulator.exe the game just started.

Mr. Much

Hey ZnelArts! Just bought and played Villain Simulator for the first time! I love it! Fantastic job on the feel of the game, especially the responses from the heroines. I was wondering if the arousal system was bugged by any chance, because no matter what I do, I can't get the arousal meter to go up. And in one of the trailers, you're putting your finger in her mouth, and she responds to it. How do you do that? Also, will gags be added any time in the future? Anyway, looking forward to added updates! Perhaps it's a good idea to make a discord server so your community can grow? Just a thought!


I'm running them on whatever they are set at out of the box... I didnt get an option to change them... most games auto set for ultimate or epic for me when they have the option.


Overall I really like the model, I think there is a lot of potential. Can't wait for future builds so I can do more stuff to her. Other than the proportions needing a little tweaking, I think just adding a little color to her face would go long way.


Using Oculus Rift S I cannot use the thumbstick to point. I am unable to select things from the game menus such as changing character model, model position, etc. without select. Any ideas?


hey bud how to I get into the cheat code?


Hello, while pointing to some UI with the laser pointer press the trigger, let me know if that works


Hello, I just published an update and the new cheat code, try downloading the file again.


Hello, thanks for the feedback. -You can increment arousal once fear has dropped down. To drop down fear try using some other tools. -Hand to mouth interaction for know only works on Desktop mode, but I will bring this to VR -Im thinking about gags. -I do have a discord community, you should had received an invitation when you pledged.


Got it working, thanks! I couldn't even get the laser pointer out to begin with. After holding down the 2nd trigger and clicking the thumbstick the laser pointer finally showed.


when i play the game in desktop mode, my screen just keeps spinning around to the left what is this??


Would help if weapons had some type of aiming reticle. I keep vaporizing the wrong things.


there is, try pressing the Y or B button on Oculus, or if you are on Vive try some of the other buttons while holding the dematerializer