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Major Features

  • Possession Mode Phase 1

It is enabled with the Left Options Button of the controller , Vive Trackers still not enabled. Expect some weirdness since this is still Phase 1, it is allowing to control the girls but hands may be a little off. Also interaction with the Girl Menu is hard while in Possession Mode.

I will also make the mirror movable so you can place it anywhere.

  • Mosquito Mode Phase 1

It is enabled with the M Key, in this phase you can Fly around and bite, but still no gameplay.

Secondary Features

  • Enabling start VR mode with any headset, basically allowing Windows Mixed Reality headsets. Please help me test this one as I dont have a WMR headset yet =(
  • Added more organic skin shader
  • Adding houses outside room
  • Adding trees
  • Adding pee sound
  • Enabling Spatial Audio
  • Adding field to unlock full features for patreons
  • Added particle effect to smartphone
  • Smartphone can be muted
  • Water sink can be turned on
  • Shower door can be opened

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed Skin not getting wet
  • Fixing breats sometimes starting in weird positions
  • Fixing Pee origin
  • Fix Hair dissapearing bug
  • Fixing Hair collisions
  • Improved Girl AI script and locomotion
  • Updated to Unity 2017.3.1
  • Improved girl loading times
  • And many more bug fixes

Next Steps

  • Supporting Vive Trackers
  • Adding some gameplay
  • Add Hands to Desktop Mode
  • Add Girl Actions Menu to VR
  • Use Photo Camera



James Smith

No public demo updated ?


How to possession the girl?


And how to control the Camera to select game style?


Hi, use the menu button of one of the controllers, is the same button you use to bring the girl menu but in the other controller


You should be able to select VR or Desktop Mode with the mouse on your monitor, this is even before putting on the headset


How should I do if I wanna use possession mode in the desktop Mode?


will ther e be non VR version?


Hey there. I'm using WMR with beta 13. I can't seem to fly around fluidly, and there is a red error message at the bottom of the left side of the screen.


Hello, what do you mean by "fly around" can you let me know what is the error message? Thanks for your help finding this issues.