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Lot of technical refactor was done before this release could be made public, but finally is here with a few cool new things:
  • New Makeup Styles
  • Height Modifier
  • Revamped Tab Menu (will allow player options in the future)
  • Girl modifications are now persisted
  • Girls get wet when showering
  • Desktop Mode Breast Interaction
  • Revamped and performance improvement on VR Mirror

Get this version here 

What next?

I already started working on different hair styles, also will be adding more interactivity with the full body of the girl, and want to wrap up possession mode. 

That will be my focus the next weeks.




Thank you for updates! Meanwhile I am patiently waiting for possession mode :)


It is me or? ... cannot change hair colour

Nontendo Sexty-Four

In the trailer, the characters never seemed to make any purposeful eye contact with the player, except maybe Lucy? Is this a feature in the game? Also, blinking?