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Guys as you're aware I'm reaching the end of what has been an incredible series "Avatar: The Last AirBender", however, before I reach the end of this series the time has come for you guys to vote on what the next solo reaction will be, I've listed a few below but you guys can also suggest a show that may not be on there, ( just name it in the comments and if it gets upvoted I'll take it into consideration) I'm curious to see what the next option will be, and more than ready to get my teeth into a new show!!



The Boys' turn lmao


I’m just watching snow piercer and went to look for the reactions on yt wow what a coincidence It’s a great show tho!


Band of Brothers!!!




Bruh 2 avatars in a row lmao😂


Death Note!

Destiny Mormance

I just finished Legend of Korra and really liked it:) I'll definitely throw in Supernatural as a suggestion tho:)


legend of korra of course, and my other suggestion is daredevil. love that show


How I Met Your Mother ... you're welcome Monica ;-)

Erin McKeon

I'm in season 3 of legend of korra and it gets SOOO GOOD


Game of thrones


Gravity falls


The Dragon Prince

Kristen Campbell

Legend of Korea it soooo much better the The last air bender. It’s Aangs descendants and a lot of back story on how the Avatars started.


Rick and Morty


I second Death Note! It's only 2 seasons, so it's not a huuuge commitment


Agents of SHIELD!!


Just do em all! Legend of Korra is gonna win, but The Boys is pretty quick, as its 8 episodes for each season only. And Attack on Titan is a masterpiece. Both the Boys and Attack on Titan are definitely a full degree above the other 2 choices. But yes, all 4 choices are great. However, Id rather you do The Boys and Attack on Titan with Monica as well. Those 2 shows deserve both your presence. That's how much love and care each of those shows have been given by their creators. I have never met anyone who dislikes either show. Maybe some wouldn't rate it as highly as I am gushing about them here, but they have very little criticism and almost always about some superficial things that do not take away from their critically acclaimed status. Both very thought provoking such that you and Monica would love to watch it together week after week. Praying we are blessed with both your reactions to these two shows. Heck, charge double. I'm game. <3


Agents of shield