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Guys, I just want to say its been a pleasure, you have all made this experience soooo amazing, sharing this journey and building the family we have from this has meant more to us than you can ever imagine, I really do hope you enjoy this reaction, and I hope you'll join us for more in the future,

- Love Rico & Monica - Always.


HP DHP2.mov


Destiny Mormance

Well I know what I'm doing for the next two hours lol


Google drive really doesn’t want me to watch this lol


This video isn't playing for me


Happened to me too, but last time I just waited a few hours and checked back & it was able to work.


Came up with a new drinking game for this Harry Potter series: Drink every time Rico rubs his hands together in excitement lol

Glenn Van Pestel

I'm sad we're already at the last one. Your reactions to Harry Potter are the best! I've enjoyed them a lot. :D Some answers to some of the questions that came up: - The trio couldn’t show Bellatrix’s wand to the goblins of Gringotts, because it was reported stolen by Bellatrix. Presenting the wand would have given away that they were imposters. - The cats you heard when the trio enters Hogsmeade, is an alarm caused by the Caterwauling Charm. In the books it’s just a high-pitched screeching, but I like how it’s cats in the movies. - Harry dropped the resurrection stone in the forest, so that no one would be able to find it and use it again. - Monica will be happy to know that Pettigrew, the rat, is already dead! In the books, Pettigrew doesn’t get knocked out by Dobby like he does in the movie. Rather he lets Harry and Ron go. This betrayal makes the silver hand (that Voldemort conjured for him in Goblet of Fire) to turn on him and strangle him to death. - Hermione is the only one of the trio to return to Hogwarts to finish her education. Harry and Ron both drop out and become Aurors under the new Minister for Magic: Kingsley Shacklebolt. Interestingly, in 2019, Kingsley was succeeded as Minister for Magic by Hermione! - The new Headmaster, or rather Headmistress, of Hogwarts is Professor McGonagall!


WAIT MARVEL SERIES IS NEXT?! LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOO!!!! ...Then again given y'alls pace we could probably expect to finish the 20 something movies of the MCU in, what, 2 years maybe? :-P I'm just messin with ya, excited for this!

Kristi Noriega

Finally could finish watching! Thank you Rico and Monica for bringing us along on this journey 🖤


Great review


If people download it after they finishing watching should delete because it stops others from watching it


Hey all, I found a sneaky workaround that worked for me (directly download the file): You have to have a Google Drive account for this, and a browser not running on a Chromium engine (so, not Chrome/Edge), because you're gonna download a 23.9GB file and Chrome's download manager is dogshit at this (I've used Firefox). - Create a new, empty folder on your Google Drive - Open the file (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FKmjPPfx0MqrioDZXoVuG8AR543qdh09/view?usp=sharing) - Top right -> Add shortcut -> select your new folder - In a non-Chrome-based browser, open your google drive and download the *whole folder* (not just the shortcut to the file) This will start to zip the file, which took me 50 min (all the time it was stuck around 25%), then it'll download it, even though we've hit the daily quota. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/ivea4n/google_drive_bypass_download_quota_exceeded/


Guys please follow Dan's instructions on how to watch the movie reaction, it appears Google Drive really has been letting us down, looking for another file service to use that doest have this problem...however if you wish to watch it quicker than the time limit Googledrive gives, this seems to be the best method to use.

Erica P.

I always think it's so fascinating that Voldemort was essentially defeated twice by the same thing -- a mother's love for her child. The books make it clearer that she intentionally lied to Voldemort so that they could re-enter the castle and look for Draco, but Narcissa Malfoy was the LAST person I'd have expected to save the day when I first read the series hahah so I always love getting to see these reactions. So glad to follow along as you guys watched this series! :)


What a journey. Absolutely a pleasure to watch. Monica can deny it all she wants but she is a potter head.


first of all the cursed child is hot garbage and second im not going to tell you to read the books...listen to the audio books, they are read by stephen fry in the uk version and they are great


Cant wait for the link to work for me lol


it exceeded the number of views it can take right now

Robin Fredriksson

Ok I got it working with Dan's method. Sorry for you who try to watch on none PC's. Kinda annoying that is 25 GB huge though, I've downloaded some other reactions who has been in a regular format size 2-3 gb. Its so massive my old computer is lagging trying to play it, will need to convert it first


The new link works!! 🤩🤩🤩


Just joined the patreon. Sad to see that the link isn't working. Any update on when a working link will be available?

Ashley McLaughlin

I can usually get through around 11 pm my time, however I have to leave for work then.. Any other time it says unavailable


Finally got it to work and it crashed... can’t get back on it now. Give me strength 😂


Yay finally got it to work today! There was a deleted scene that I really wish they had kept in showing Draco's arc a bit more. It had him tossing Harry a wand when everyone first realized he was still alive. Monica the look on your face when you realized Snape had been in love with Lilly was amazing. As for why Harry didn't die after he dropped the resurrection stone, I always read it as he was the master of death. He already had won the allegiance of the elder wand, he owned both the invisibility clock and the stone. He didn't have to have any of them on him, he just had to be the owner and owning all three made him the master of death. Plus Voldemort didn't actually kill him, he killed the piece of his own soul residing in Harry. I have been so excited about watching this and now I am so sad it is over. I so wish I could obliviate my memory of the books and movies and rewatch them as if for the first time again.


so glad Monica enjoyed the journey. some fun facts, I grew up while all the books and films were coming about. it was insane. so little fun fact. in this movie, when we hear in Snape's memories. dumbeldore tells him the prophecy doesn't speak of a woman (lily) it spoke of a BOY born at the end of July. if u recall. Snape answers by saying "yes but he thinks its HER SON"(lily's ) however, a known fact is that Neville is also a boy born at the end of July. so rowling herself has stated that VOLDEMORT just chose harry once the prophecy was revealed. he assumed it was harry, never taking into account Neville. so, in fact the prophecy could've been talking about Neville all along. but Harry unfortunately got the short end of the stick and they all assumed the boy the prophecy spoke.of was James and Lily's son. they fought against VOLDEMORT but so did Neville parents until Bellatrix tortured them with the crucio (curse) to the point of insanity bc they refused to tell her where the potter's were. So in the movie we see not only harry play a significant roll in voldemorts downfall but also Neville as well. very fitting bc it could've gone in his direction as well. They were both key in his destruction. The horrcruxes were brilliant, showing it was harry that was an unintended made only after the killing curse rebounded that night when lily jumped in between it and harry. Also, The patronus thing Snape loved lily so much that his became the same as hers, signifying his love for her "always" and your questions towards the end of the movie, the headmaster when their kids all go to hogwarts 19 years later is McGonagall. Harry and ginny have three kids, they named them (in order from oldest to youngest) James Sirius, Albus Severus, and Lily Luna. Another fun fact. Dracos son, scorpius, we saw him with Draco in the flashforward. he becomes best friends with albus (Harry's son we saw him talking to) they never become "friends" but rowling says that harry and Draco find peace with each other. they move on from hate. they got to do that unlike how James and Snape didn't. Hermione fact u get from books, she becomes the minister of magic after Kingsley. Tonks and lupins son, teddy. is Harry's God son. they never really got around to lupin asking harry to be his sons godfather. (like Sirius was for harry) but it was important. he helps Tonks' mom, Andromeda, raise him. Fun fact about tonks's mom, she is Narcissa malfoys older sister. There were three black sisters. Andromeda, Bellatrix and narcissa. Andromeda was estranged from the family tree bc she married a muggle born wizard and u know how them pure blood blacks (except sirius) feel about muggles and muggle born. so the fun fact is that tonks and Draco were in fact cousins. they just never met bc the family shunned her mom for falling in love with a muggle born. Also it's said that the remaining sisters Andromeda and Narcissa do mend their relationship after the book series. I was really sad that the malfoy family, esp Draco didn't get his arc revealed. u could tell they didn't want to be apart of it. but they were literally prisoners in their own house. but that scene right as harry drops from Hagrid arms and reveals he is alive. Draco, actually throws his wand to harry so harry can defend himself. he runs and yells out potter! but they cut it from the film which is sad. because it really showed that the malfoys weren't evil. they were just misguided by their beliefs they were indoctrinated to believe from birth. it took a madman starting this war, joining his army to make them see that is was the wrong way to live and think. So happy u liked the series, Monica. It definitely is an emotional but phenomenally magical ride. im glad I got to take it with you guys!


Really loved watching your reactions. Can't wait for Monica to react to both fantastic beasts movies. Not as good as Harry Potter, but still good. Always love watching your reactions. Keep it up. - From Melbourne, Australia.


you got a bit wrong, bellatrix didnt torture the longbottoms to find out where the potters were. They were tortured AFTER the potters were killed and bellatrix was trying to find out if they knew what happened to Voldemort and any info on his whereabouts


Rico, seriously man, read the books. ESPECIALLY Deathly Hallows. It really is 1000x deeper and more amazing than the movie. You will NOT regret reading them.


In regards to "is Voldemort really dead?", the book had this to say at the end of the epilogue: "The scar had not pained Harry for nineteen years. All was well." Which suggests that Voldemort is indeed gone.


not 100% sure you'll see this, but when I feel like having a Harry Potter marathon, I just watch your reactions because it feels like I have someone to watch it with!