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Hey guys, I felt it important to write this final update/explanation to what’s going on/thoughts in my head recently please bare with me and try to understand where I’m coming from.

However, before I start, firstly I want to say sorry for the lack of content on my end for this and last month, settling into the new house and having issues arise left right and centre has been stressful, and on top of that sorting out personal issues with my work, (day job) has had its own problems.

Unfortunately that did have a knock on effect to both the content I’ve been able to produce on Patreon/YouTube, I thought I could handle it all, but truthfully it’s actually been the opposite.

However I am aware I did drop the ball with this and I’ve now taken steps in order to fix it, for example I’ve worked out a new “schedule” you can see it on Instagram if you want, @RicoReacts under my highlights.

I had been worried about explaining to you guys when the next attempt to record HP is just incase it didn’t happen, but we’ve decided to record HBP this Saturday, Avatar book 2 episode 5+6 are coming tonight, 7+8 tomorrow, then uploads for solo reactions will follow the upload schedule I have on my Instagram. Tue, weds, Thursday.

I understand that this hasn’t been the easiest month, but I really do appreciate everyone who’s stuck with me, I’m coming back Better stronger than ever!! Few new shows too 👀

Updates to do with Patreon  will now happen on my Instagam - RicoReacts 

this platform now is for uploads only, no more updates 



Lets get it ! Moving is always a big hassle regardless of circumstances, glad you both got through it


I really under estimated just how much but now is time to get back some rythem, really do appreciate your support though thanks!


Please just take care of you first. Stress can be a real killer. I would much rather get occasional videos than not get any because the stress got to be too much.


So when will the HP full episode come out?


i appreciate and admire tho how you care us viewers by giving us content the best way you can. Keep it boy and don’t stress yourself too much


My guy thank you sooooo much for this comment its things like this that help more than you know, though I am committed to bringing you guys content sooo thank you for allowing me to feel relaxed enough to compose myself and deliver it


Narinder I really do and more than you know appreciate you, in answer to your question the next Harry Potter reaction Half Blood Prince is coming out tomorrow Monday 26@ 6pm BST!!!!

Erin McKeon

Always good to take breaks my man! Glad to see you back!


Last time I moved I was attacked by my dog and got 13 stitches the DAY i moved. Talk. about a pain in the behind, happily been following for a while and cant wait to see your future videos 💪🏼