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definitely making this a card some day 👀

PSD: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/t3j29riv2d0rpxcesylr6/decidueye-finds-u.psd?rlkey=i6r5ull449qe99zvy469k0j7c&dl=0



Fen Longpaw (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-25 14:37:15 My will power would stand no chance against how tempting such a card would be. (Particularly if the cock alt were an option <.<)
2023-08-18 10:41:27 My will power would stand no chance against how tempting such a card would be. (Particularly if the cock alt were an option <.<)

My will power would stand no chance against how tempting such a card would be. (Particularly if the cock alt were an option <.<)