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Hi! Chivo here.

How are you doing? I hope you are all well during this difficult situation. For me, 2020 has been crashing hard on me, because of losing job and depression, and maybe many people experienced similar things. So, this year has been a major step back for my life, but at the same time, I am close to some achievement, like, finishing the game I started last year. Yes, it's Badtime Stories.

First conceived as a "Frankenstein's creature" of my thoughts on the "visual novel" genre, I tackled into some major tropes, my personal feeling, and character building. It started as a small project with a few pictures and a short story, but it got larger with my ambition for making video games. so now it is now really a beautiful mess (don't @ me, it's my child lol) and somethings are not realized as I planned, but I really loved a year and a half making this game.

Now with the final character (in a Japanese visual novel trope, "omake") I'm going to develop with the patrons, the development of this game will be ended. I still have a plan to stitch up all the disjointed pieces and finishing it with some fancy touches like better UI and graphics, but I'm not asking you to pay for that. So, August will be the last month for the campaign of Badtime Stories. As you helped me a lot with making my first game, I'm going to finish it as the form it deserves. Many things will be added and changed, so when you see "Badtime Stories" is up somewhere here or itch.io, please revisit the game again.

And now I'm working on a new game. It just made through, for say, pre-development phase, and I think I can show you some of the bits in the coming months. With the last patron membership charge for Badtime Stories in August, I'm stopping the monthly membership charge until the new project is ready to be shown to the world. But I'm not closing the page for the new people discovering Badtime Stories, and the current members will retain their membership status (without monthly charge). I want to ask you to stay as a member of my page until then, because I will try not to be silent during the development of the new game or finishing Badtime stories, and I need you to be a part of it.

September will be the start of the charge-free month, but I don't know when the demo for the new game will out. I'll be communicating with you regarding the development of the new game.

But we still have one last episode of the development version of Badtime Story, coming in September. Thank you so much for supporting my game!

Please stay safe and well!

Best Regards,


edit: I forgot to add that I sent the download link to the new episode for the former supporters who supported the game in June and July. I used Patreon's new sorting feature, but if you didn't get the message even though you did support, please feel free to ask me and I'll check again!



Thank you for the update, Chivo! Hope you're doing and feeling better now than before. Can't wait to see what you have in mind for your next game!


Thank you for making this wonderful game! It really brought us lots of joy!☺️ I'll be looking forward to your new game too!


I'm so happy to hear that the game is near finished, and sorry to see you go through some tribulations. So, thank you for making the beautiful game. I have a question. Maybe I didn't check at the time, but did I miss out on the suggestion poll?


The poll will be ready soon! I need to decide how to make it fun for every supporters.