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Hi folks!

I'm sorry it's not the update you've been waiting for. I'm so sorry to tell you the November update is getting late, and it'll take a week more to finish. Recently there were financial hardships that came upon my life, and as a result,  I've been doing too many things together at the same time. My health condition is not well for weeks and past few days I have been coughing my way through the writing of the game, but I couldn't finish writing in time.

I apology for the delay. I'll make sure supporters for November get your deserved update no matter what. I'll send notes with the link to the package, in case you can't access to the post for the update which will come in a week. 

As the main story of Badtime Stories coming to an end soon, I'm preparing the second game. It won't come out anytime soon, but I can safely say it'll have some continuity with Badtime Stories. Please tune in for the future update!

Best Regards,




I've saw on your twitter last week already, be patience and take care your health. I may cannot support you much more than my currently plague. But send word from my believe that you shall pass this situation. I don't wanna lost a good artist I've knew too. ;)


Hope you're doing better, Chivo! Hopefully the situation will improve shortly :(


Take care of yourself don’t rush. Hope you get better soon.


Hope you get better! Remember to drink more warm water (more than you needed!), it can help you get better sooner.


Pls take care of your health first rather than the update, health is always the first priority :)


Please rest as much as you need, and I hope you feel better soon!