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I never realized how exhausted grief makes you feel. Physically, mentally, emotionally, it saps every part of you till there's nothing left and you can barely move.

Keeping busy is one of the few things I've found to help relieve that tired feeling, which has lead to an odd paradox of being less tired as long as I'm working.




It’s heavy, and you’ll carry that weight for a long time. But it gets easier.

Rudy Garcia

Stay strong. Much love brutha!


Some times you forget that weight's there, mine aren't as heavy but do know that your never alone


Keep ya head bru. Don’t think of it as a goodbye, more like a see ya later, if ya get what I’m saying.

Earl Armstrong

Be careful not to over do it. I myself had to deal with the same situation with my own mum. I threw myself heavily into work in one part to pay for the funeral in another to keep myself from falling apart. It came at a cost to my own health but with so many people in my family already feeling the pain I felt I couldn't rest until things were stable again. In short its okay to take a little time to grieve just don't allow it to consume you.


Grief is fricken rough it's good that your finding some form of relief via keeping at it it's a healthy way to cope but relax if you need to man don't work yourself to hard praying for ya


Never loose sight of the light at the end of all things.