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This is an extremely self-indulgent piece, I hope you guys don't mind. I just really like big green lady.




I don't mind at all! I would encourage you to self-indulge more ❤️



Cristian SP

*Inserta bolero music*

Andre Partridge

I always love to see her again


Dawg everything you make slaps and I’m pretty sure all of us can vouch on that. Draw as you wish homie

Aqua Allison

Good god she’s HUGE I fucking LOVE HER <3 Absolutely feel free to do more self indulgent pictures, this is incredibly HOT!

Max McLaughlin

We also like the big green lady it's why I joined the patreon

John Hannon

By all means, be more self indulgent. Please and thank you

Koni Toon

I really don’t mind at all! If we get more pieces like this then please be more self-indulgent!


I am always happy to see best big green dragon lady.