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Ok, I really need some help here. Bear Girl Stage One...  what do people think in terms of:
  • whether we want a stage one like the one on the left, then stage two is right to a nubile stage three..
  • ...or should she start at something more like the right piece with 100% fur and evolve to a more nubile phase at 2 that is 50/50 then to a voluptuous Bear??

I can't make up my mind!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments or on Facebook via 





On a purely side thought that might help: I kind of like the idea of stage 3 of Bear Girl being something like a Mama Bear (or MILF bear?) and having stage 2 being a fitting form that would lead to stage 3. But again, that's just a thought I had.


Option two though the one on the left is adorable looking