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So I'm having a bit of a coding marathon games dev weekend and seeing what I can create in a solid weekends worth of fun. Given I have all these beautiful new assets for the main game just sat here, I needed something simple to work on so I've taken the concept behind one of those annoying tapping games and borrowed it..

I'm calling it a night at 2:15am on day 1, and in a good evenings run I've got the base interface done, as well as the class structure for the player and creature elements of the game coded. Tapping the screen calls the damage calculation and the purple health bar depleats, and stages, bosses and minions all works too.

I've moved on to the first of the variables, and the main showcase piece of what we already have in terms of art assets, the girls!

I created a prefab for the Creature Panel which then loads dynamically based on what the player has opened thus far. The plan is to get all the girls in to help you battle your way through the tapping fun, and unlocking each one might showcase a piece of artwork to collect.

All good fun and I'll keep leaking out screens as I cross things off the list, and hopefully we will have something playable by the end of the weekend!



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