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Hey all,

Apologies for a lack of updates of late. Cashflow has become a little tight again and that's putting some pressure on making the progress we'd like, that and the new artwork for the volcano is taking a little longer than we'd hoped, although what he do have and have seen has been absolutely epic.

New Developer Progress

So whats occurring our side? Well, as you know I had been working with a new developer to try and get the team growing but the task we set him to test the waters ended up going 4 times over budget as well as taking 3 months instead of 2 weeks, becoming a complete disaster by the end of it.

This from a personal perspective, has knocked me off the horse a little. The cash side of it sucks majorly, but it's brought back bad memories of where the project in the beginning started to go wrong so I'm currently evaluating the situation the best I can.

I really want to grow the team, but at the same time we really need to keep the reigns on costs at this stage. A total Catch 22.

GameDev Progress

Theres a lot going on to be fair, but not much to share right now. As artwork is delaying any major progress with finishing things off, James, Chris and Lucas are all  currently working on something new and exciting. I've read the design documents, and had a couple of alphas of that and once the storyboards and concept is ready, we're definitely going to get that our there. It's Shards related too, which makes it all the more exciting..

James game me a video of the volcano zone in action straight from his Unity build which I've also been meaning to share, but my evenings have been focused on trying to make progress so apologies on that one!

Art Progress

So again, big news here. I've just tonight received the full and finished version of the animated Asian Dragon scene and work begins tomorrow on the Angler Fish animated scene next!

I rendered a full 2 minute scene of the original dragon blowjob scene too, i'll get that out once it has some audio synced to it if I can find a voice actress (still on the todo pile).

Volcano updates are in:

Also we have two new pinup posters on the way in the form of our Stage 3 super loli robot, and a new poster of Jessika (who is also now known by a new name).

Jessika rename will come in the form of the poster too ;)

Other Updates

Sorry, I'll be trying to break the news up into more bite size chucks in future, more like February and it's become a bit of a monster this update!

Company rename is official. We are a logo away from making the announcement.

Website progress has been none existent with other things going on.

Artbook print run has been put back until further notice due to the development balls up. Hoping early April to be able to get her to print, again sorry about this, but with the artwork delays too it probably makes sense to hold off until we're closer. If anyone knows a suitable market for selling both the physical and digital versions, please let me know!

Currently working with two new artists on hopefully getting the rest of the art assets hand drawn too. News on that to follow as we have it.

Got two new models for the plushies back. The rabbit girl is very good, the Jessika one got rejected. Photos to follow!


We're hiring at the moment and would definitely like to hear from anyone with art skills in both character design and sprite creation. The later is DESPERATELY needed..

Likewise I'm looking to bring in a Unity developer in the next month or so to work on our new project so send your CVs this way if you have anyone that might be suitable.

I could also do with a PA if anyone is bored... :D



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