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Just checking in with a quick update as I've been AWOL for a week or so now. With James being on holiday still not much news on the development front. I've not had much free time in the evenings to really sit down and tackle the Memory Beast that still needs investigating. It's definitely not one of those things you can just pick up and keep coming back to unfortunately. Some developments in the h-scenes front. The dragon full scene is done and ill get around to doing a render of the four main elements soon. The final money shot it epic! Work has begun on the next animated scene which is the Asian dragon and a completely new and unseen character h-scene. Spritesheets are still in progress for the volcano. I have a 27 tilw set now of the core volcano areas in HD goodness and have seen previews of some of the path and road tiles looking very nice. Hoping to be able to send the artbook to print next week but had some personal expenses that were unexpected and hoping this shoukd nt affect the print run. Have a pretty huge announcement to make soon too that I'm hoping everyone will like. More to follow. In other news my PC power supply failed and having to go back on an RMA which sucks as I've been using that as my development machine. I do have most of the bits have on my laptop but it's still a pain. Hope all are well!


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