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One thing that we haven't seen in the game yet is a good dungeon, mainly because we hadn't conceptualized them or completed them as part of the story until recently.

So, starting with the first floor of the boat, lets get this show on the road!

I'm going to do a teardown of the dungeon perspective at some point this coming weekend as I hope you'll find it absolutely fascinating as I do. It's as much for my own sanity as anyone elses; its actually really hard to get your head around for major areas, especially when you have sketches from prototypes and half built areas to compare it to!

In the traditional perspective art world, it doesn't make sense. The world port from the game is fisheyed, but at the same time it doesn't follow a single line of perspective for a viewport. At times you can see all four sides of objects that you shouldn't. It works because the camera port is locked and designed to work at the current viewport, then this is translated throughout a floor and can shift midview if a horizontal axis requires it.

That made sense in my head, but rereading it I think it's total bollocks... so apologies for that!

Anyway, I could go to town on this but take a look at this view to see one quick mindfuck that this style can throw at you in an relatively simple scenario.

So is that ladder on a pyramid path or a square platform?! The outer wall suggests it should draw the view in but it doesnt! You have two separate squares of perspective and central wall that should be a vertical column buts the walls form based on this.

There's a nack and James and I sat down on Sunday night to get through what dungeons we need. He had to go home for a lye down in the end, but I've just finished my first draft of the first floor layout of the ship dungeon in the water zone and I (think) cracked the structure!

Its not quite finished: the line work isnt straight, I'm missing a few doors and need to center the doorways (and get the height consistent) but what it gives is the structure to now create tile pieces for and paint the canvas with for all floors.

It's all good fun and hopefully I might have her in the next demo soon!



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