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First of all, a massive apology for the lack of updates throughout August; between birthdays, a brief holiday and new work, the month was a total writeoff.

That doesn't however mean progress was lacking! Far from it!

I've been fortunate enough to get myself a new job and the bills are once again getting paid. It's not leaving me with much spare time still, but it's enabled some additional cashflow and I'm doing what I can to plow what I can afford into the game again. So, from early August things have actually been in a mini overdrive... I've just not given myself a moment to update where we are before I left for a wee battery recharge in the Algarve.

Firstly, we've commissioned the creation of the entire character base in chibi form for some important elements of the game, notably the interface required them but we also will use them in-game where we can. If you liked the new animations of Jessika, you'll love the style of the girls.

Secondly, the booklet is officially underway. I had to bite the bullet and admit I wasn't going to finish it myself so I've hired a professional to take the lead and he's started again with the task of creating us a 40 page brochure. We're aiming for the artwork to be signed off in the next couple of weeks and once it is, we will be able to get it off to print and available for download.

Third big news is the hiring of a professional writer to complete a large number of pockets of missing character bios and plot from the game. She's an expert in BDSM writing and I'm hoping for great things from her filthy little mind! First up she's busy creating the detailed bios for the girls in the game, with the overhaul of the interface it highlighted the immediate need for these, and its the best place for her to start to get to know the girls.

Forth is the interface. It's still underway with the new artwork. James ran into a major headache from yet another upgrade in Unity and the interface we were integrated with so it meant more rewriting of code and stripping some things right back to the beginning. He's currently having some time out due to personal reasons but he's well underway with the gorgeous new interface.. it really does change the way it feels.

Fifth and finally are the odds and sods:

  • All the other physicals are in negotiations or currently sourcing.

  • I'm in talks with another writer who is a RPG specialist and he (hopefully) will be expanding our quest line further with some new ideas for additional flow and content.

  • The registration site will be back up and running at the start of October and I'm aiming to get a few fixes and features back into that. The main one will be for shipping addresses confirmation for items so I can update with dispatch dates etc

That's about it for this evening. I have a few more bits to reply to and will make a definite effort to provide regular updates with new items where I can now we are working as a team again!


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