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The Taps relaunch is going pretty well after its bumpy start; database is chugging along finding new missing indexes every day, we're ironing out the issues and we're creeping up the Nutaku rankings so all is good!

In light of this, here is the September Exclusive Patreon content:

Bringer of Pain!


Bronze Tier supporters will get the Demons Tongue, an awesome new sword with a tongue for a blade! It will provide a DPC bonus of 125x and an overall element bonus for Dark attacks of 25% too!

Silver Tier will also include the rest of the set including Rage Against the Brylcream and MegaDeath Leathers, boosting Cosmo to 375x DPC and total 75% elemental boosters too!! 

Gold Tier (and above) will bag you all of the items in the set, but at the highly exclusive Legendary Drop status, all will be a whopping 750x DPC bonus making Cosmo (or Bobby...) the BRINGER OF PAIN!

Thanks again to everyone for supporting us and joining V2 of Taps of Eradine. Content will be a bit more frequent with new minions in the pipeline too, Medusa artwork and of course, Dungeon Mode too!

Note: Just to be clear, all item drops will be available through regular play of Taps of Eradine; Epic and Legendary drops are highly rare and only available post level 2500 making them extremely prized digital possessions!



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