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First off a huge apology for the lack of Patreon related updates and content of late. A lot of activity this side but between taking a step back from the Discord channel, mitigating constant attacks ont eh web servers and trying to keep development going, its been a tough few months. A quick bullet list of events:

* New Developer Hired - he started at the beginning of February and the first task is working on Leaderboards for Taps. Once he's settled in, we'll review the workload and see whats next for him but hoping eventually to take some of the stress off myself and allow me to focus on business development aspects.

* Server Stacks - due to the constant attacks the ToE servers are under, we've changed a few things up and working towards a new server stack. We're about 80% through the new code base and hoping to roll this forward into live game in March

* Steam Release - we fucked up this by not realising you have to wait 30 days after the fee is paid to release your game, or 14 days after coming soon, whichever is longer. Its the 30 days one so the earliest it will be out is March 12th. Build is in review and the page is authorised and Coming Soon so fingers crossed there are no issues with it and it will be live ASAP. 

* Yes, we will be issuing Steam Keys to Patreons who have supported us to the value of $25 or more, or already have SoE via OB/Nutaku.

* Release version is with fixes for the latest bugs and a handful of galleries fixes too. The Steam version is censored and existing owners will be able to pick up the uncensored patch after launch.

* Android ToE NSFW - we have a build on a device that is Beta ready and hopefully get that into peoples hands early next week. This is largely under the radar with everyone pushing for Dungeon mode in the Discord channel, but new players on new devices are equally if not more important to our overall goals so James is pushing hard on this front.

* Dungeons - Slime Dungeon is still WIP but lots of artwork and progress on other dungeons is underway.

* Item Drops / Greater Shards - lots of artwork done, animations of 2 handed weapons and revising the other attacks to make them weapon agnostic is in progress. Cosmo swinging a broardsword is epic!

* Gahder Boxes for ToE NSFW - a new update before Android and Dungeons will introduce Gahder Boxes, an IAP version of the Eradine box to allow the player to boost everything if they so wish. We've had a lot of requests on this one and wanted to get it in as it will help with revenues for the game.

* Bug Fixes Vs Customer Support - a lot of effort has gone into stablising ToE at the moment between the rebirth issues and mailbox failures and the inevitable customer support fallout has eaten a lot of James and my own time. We have build tools to help speed this up but there is still a requirement for this on a daily basis.

* Shop Closure - the official Shards of Eradine shop will be closing at some point in March as it is a monthly cost that we can no longer justify. I will create a product page on the main site where people will be able to buy the plushies etc but Shopify charges are ridiculous when we aren't selling anything.

That about covers it! Ill try and get some Patreon exclusive screenshots together of the new items for Taps and artwork later in the month but rest assured we're beavering away on all angles and as busy as ever!

Steam Coming Soon page can be found here!


Thanks again for the continued support



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