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Apologies for the delays on getting back to people on various things over the last few days. I thought the Old 11 on the dial was loud but the new 11 is insane..

Anyway, I wanted to clarify what exactly the Beta tier now covers for new pledgers as there seems to be some confusion and that its a shortcut to getting a copy of Shards to try out. 

Unfortunately, it's not...

The Beta Tier pledge was changed to cover our Unreleased Games (at present we have zero) and Beta or Alpha access to now released games with valid purchase, whether that be Nutaku, Offbeatr, or just supporting long enough to cover the RRP.

The full release of is now the most up to date of Shards of Eradine and is now available exclusively through Nutaku.net.  

Future Beta builds of Shards of Eradine are going to be timed releases whilst the game signs off their promotion, and between major versions. 

Beta and Alpha access will get you access to these (whilst you dont have a full copy) but will get turned off once they are signed off to release. 

We plan to have an initial 1.1 Alpha out in the next week or two once the launch has calmed down a bit which is working on the first major improvement to the colliders code (its 75% proven correct now, and a massive performance booster but it Needs Your Support).

Again, to repeat, once you hit total support of a full price key, I also automatically convert you to a full key just FYI but as a $5 beta tester, you only get access to SoE builds when they are ready for testing. 

This tier also gets you access to our art stream, which has been lax in the last months due to launch stresses but will continue to improve as we look to the future of Taps and hopefully whatever lies ahead for us.

At present we are in production build so there isnt an active Beta for SoE.

Other than :D




Hi there. WoW, thanks, you did well ^^. One little thing though, i found a bug (i guess) after meeting the 'egg' in lavatown i want to go up from the cellar again, so i go back around the book-shelfes and want to go up to the ladder but an invisible wall is blocking me :( - lol, sry cut that, i needed to take the egg-shell :) Have to say though i enjoy your self-aware writing, it's great.


First congratulations for the build. Second, I participated in the Offbeatr campaign. What do I do to get my pledge? Sorry if this was answered before, but I must have missed it.