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Made some great progress from all angles this week on teh ToE front; asset loading being the main one that's now working wonderfully meaning future updates will be small in download size and and artwork and other none code breaking updates can be pushed out directly!

I've also finished the coding of the new gallery area which is geared for a more user friendly experience for browsing your unlocked galleries and given the amount of feedback about the interface, I added this cheeky little feature that allows you to rotate the screen to show the artwork in portrait mode.

Some of the girls fill the screen better in this format so hopefully it should allow you to enjoy their artwork no matter what the dimensions are. 

New build will hopefully be out tomorrow but I have promised to take the family out so it may be late into the evening, or maybe even Monday.

I was hoping to upload the new build of Shards of Eradine tomorrow, taking us to on that front but the build I have has some debug features still enable so again, that's also going to be Monday too. Their are some pretty major fixes in this build that should see people be able to complete the entire game at last, so we are definitely heading thick and fast towards Version 1 at this point.

All in all progress is going well on both games and thanks for all the feedback thus far.



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