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For those of you with the link, you can grab now from that same URL.

Build Notes []

  • Shrines now save game and checkpoint system if defeated during battle.
  • Quest system update and Quest GUI updated
  • Balance of enemies tweaked
  • Loading times from new game save improved
  • Some general collider and clipping issues resolved.
  • A modification to the collider system should improve performance and resolve a good number of z-index fixes. Noticed the graves in Selenis are still glitching but know the underlying issue so looking to resolve for
  • Added Version Checking to startup - new builds will give new download link within the game for future releases too when available.

Release Notes [Shards of Eradine Build 0.9.9]

* Whilst the game loader dropdown has it, the game only majorly supports 1920x1080 resolution at present. We havent tested it at lower, but any higher (ie 4k) will not scale consistently throughout. It does look stunning at 4k on the maps that give you the full overview but we need to do some revisions to get this going. Likewise anything less than 1920x1080 may do interesting things for now.

* RAM is really the only hardware factor in the stability of the game at this point. Our assets are huge and we really havent optimised much at this stage so 4GB RAM is minimal and all our test machines have a lot more! One of the test machines has a crappy ATI onboard graphics card and it runs fine on that.

* There is only partial joypad support at the moment so its keyboard and mouse for the most part. Movements and interactions are fine, but the menus and battle wheel were not 100% finished until late and we need to map the buttons and controls still. Obviously not a showstopper either so we wanted to ship to you asap.

* We (well I) had a major issue in the week before this build when we applied a "fix" to the Cosmo prefab and nuked all the Camera Limits that are attached to the camera in each level... with over 150 individual locations, this potentially caused a major headache but thankfully most if not all are saved. If you notice large black areas outside the map, this is likely due to this and is in the process of being fixed ASAP.

* Likewise we should have the vast majority of "behind" script positions fixed now but if the player walks on top of a tree or two and doesnt trigger the script that flipflops the z axis correctly, this is why. My bad and has cost us a few days at least!

Thanks for supporting us and Version 1.0 will be with you very soon indeed! Please let us know any major issues at support@cryptidtech.com and we hope you like what you play!



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