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Shermie: "You wanted a secret panty shot? Well why didn't say so punk! Here I have taken it all off  just for you, how's the view now so up close from between my thighs? enjoy now <3"

Victim: "mmphh..mmph...."

Shermie: "Huh? What's that boy? okay lemme let you speak a bit."

Victim: "pwheeze..phweeze miss.. phweeze don't shqueeze me anymoo...phweeze shhtop..uwaaaa...uggh my hand...my hand..phweeze don't break my fingers...I beg you..pwheeze lemme go..I am sho sorrrr..."

Shermie: "Boooring..not interested. Let's continue <3"

Victim: "aaaaaghhhhhhh......."

*crack* *crack*

Shermie: "Oops...did I just accidentally pop your jaw? or was that your skull? oh your neck maybe? geez, I can't tell it from here but I can see you've relieved yourself in the pants! awww how cute just like a newborn hehehe <3"

Shermie standing reverse headscissor was requested by qq2498429835.



Mike Gamer

By the Looks of it Shermie really doesn't care what he has to say control his hands so he can't touch her thighs smart by her like her red hair.


Damn, those are some amazing thighs and gotta hand it to whatever company made her tights, they're really holding up to the heavy use... ;)


Funny cause we were taking about Shermie not getting enough love and attention lol


Love how you make her thighs massive, shapely and deadly.