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Things are getting complicated! LOL

Hey guys!

First of all, I just wanted to thank you again for allowing this project to exist! It has been almost a year since I had all of this in my head! I cannot believe all that has been done!

I remember writing and sketching all of this back in August! It feels so weird, but also so exciting! I'll probably do some more exclusive art next month to express my gratitude. A poll will help me decide!

TLDR. 0.9 version:

  • The costume party is still not happening;
  • Ned route has begun (on the 3rd day);
  • A lot of sketches for Ned's route.

Next update (1.0):

  • The costume party is still not happening;
  • Ned's route continues (with a huge sex scene);
  • More sketches;
  • Finished Ned's intro artwork;
  • Those Days' Patreon exclusive art.

How to get into Ned's route:

  • On day 3, check all the items in his shop. That will be all for now.

Android version:

For some reason, when the game is downloaded from this Patreon page, androids usually open the apk file as a zip file. I've been testing some things out to see if I could get a more practical solution than to generate a GoogleDrive link, and I think I found it!

I would like for those that have this issue to test it out and tell me if it works:

  • Try to download the apk file here on this page;
  • And then try to install it via the app called "Apk Installer". This app is supposed to find apk files on your phone and install them without the trouble of opening them up as a folder/zip file.

Long update for my dear ones ♥

I'm really sorry for not posting anything during this month. I really needed to take some time off the internet to get the writing done. Creativity flows more naturally when you're not focusing on things that you have no control of. And I have to confess, it was very weird at first, but it worked wonderfully. I enjoyed every second of it.

So... Back to the title: Yeah, things are getting very complicated! Basically, as I mentioned before, the plan for this month was to surprise you all with the beginning of Ned's route with some really cool artwork. However, I got so excited writing the story that couldn't find the proper time to finish the art in time. And this is what I'll be focusing on for next month's update.

Also, the programming was a little different from what I expected, I will have to do some major cleaning for the next update.

More on Ned's route

If Cott is that sweet but also very aroused guy, Ned's supposed to be a little bit different. His story, at first, is hard to understand because of his mysterious background, but the main character will eventually find his way into his heart with the help of Sal, mostly. It is not supposed to be like Cott's fast-paced sex adventure. It is going to be more of a slow sex adventure, but it will still be a very horny route.


Ned is still struggling with his sexuality. But not too much. He knows what he is attracted to, but can't seem to find the way to... You know... Do it. However, the main character will have some "effect" on him in every possible ending, but it will be up to the player to romance him or not. 

Writing his story has been so much fun to me, and I just want to roll with it. He is part of my angry-dramatic creative side, and I feel like he could bring an extra depth to Those Days, which will add up to the other routes inside the game, including Cott's.

Next update!

Very soon I'll be making a poll to decide the new exclusive art for August, and also show you some sketches for Ned's next sex scene!

For the 1.0 version, I plan to have Ned's route getting close to the camping scene; more player's choices on both routes; and hints for other possible routes. For that, I'll probably leave some unfinished sketches as Artwork Placeholders (just like this 0.9 version). It will help me organize my thoughts on each scene, and it will allow me to go further with the story instead of just +2 days each content update.

This is all for now! There is a lot of work for this month, and I will keep you guys updated this time! Message me if you had any issues with the game!



Will Salmi be a route too?

Saixuno Pomf

I don't understand what you mean by routes? Will Ned's route take over Cott's route? When we play through it again how will we choose Cott's route?


Dude, the description mentions if you wanted to start Ned's route, you need to choose to check everything in his store on day 3. If you decided to go with Cott's route, then, no need to touch anything. :)