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It is here!


In these new two days, the main character is basically hanging around Sal and Cott again. There will be a moment in which he will get interested in a certain character but will get interrupted. And this is the most important part of this update. We're getting there! In the next versions, I'll make those choices available. Meaning that you, as the player, will (finally) be able to decide if the boy should or shouldn't go on with a certain action. These new options will most likely have detailed sketches as placeholders for future artwork. So yeah! Baby-steps!


Yeah. Again, learning new artsy things while making new content was not a good choice for me. But I think it was not so bad in the end! I'm sure you will all notice something different in these new scenes but it was just me testing a lot of things. I'm not sure if I want this style on Those Days, though. What do you think? Message me!

Also, I decided that I will change something on the script for the future. So two of those arts that I said that I would revamp are going away for a walk (the ones that the boy is sleeping and Cott gifting him the hat). Maybe I'll put them somewhere nice. I didn't decide on it yet. We'll see.


Tomorrow I'll zip those artworks and post them here. I'm so sorry I forgot to do that sooner. If you feel like there is art missing somewhere, please message me!

Version 0.8

So!! I'm going to make an official post as I properly decide on what I'm going to do in this next version. The only thing I'm sure of is that the gallery HAS to get implemented in this next version. But I also want to work on revamping the shower scene, making new sprites, making the scenes more interesting.

Monday I'll make the official post and make another poll!

That's it for now!

I hope you guys enjoy it!



Hello, I just joined your Patreon, and I was wondering if those files contains the game update, because all I seem to get are PNG. Thanks for your work tho :)


Heyy, Etienne! I did reply to your DMs! Tell me if it works, please! ♥


The apk file isn't letting me update the game it is treating it as a zip file


If I may suggest, adding a soundtrack will uplift the vn's experience exponentially.