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Just wanted to come by to tell you all how appreciative I am, once again!

While I was messing around with some old files of the game, I've noticed how much has changed! And I can't wait to keep perfecting this project over and over again, no matter how much effort it takes. I just KNOW this will end up looking great! And you guys are the main reason for this to keep going! I love you! ♥

Soon I'll be posting some of those old art and more information about the next update!




Could you please clarify: will we receive the 0.6 version of the game in April though? You've mentioned this in the "Those Days: Patreon Version 0.5 is out!" post. Otherwise it would mean that there were no updates (in regards of the art work) for those who paid the subscription in April. I hope this does not sound mean as I'm not trying to be one.


I don't take it as a mean comment! But I do feel a bit bad because I did create expectations for you guys. I'm sorry. I'm still not finished with the update, but I'll post the new version today.