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Hey, everyone! First of all, I wanted to thank all of you for supporting the making of "Those Days". It is so inspiring to have you all behind my back (not lewdly, of course). I'm really thankful!

It has been a rough month, but I managed to use my free time to get all of the artwork done. Now all I have to do is put it all together (artwork + renpy + dialog), which is the easiest part.

Anyway, I'll be posting the newest version of the game this week (Monday or Tuesday). And this new version will bring a lot of changes, so I strongly recommend you all to start the game anew. Here is a small teaser for one of the new scenes:

Some of you guessed that this was bound to happen to Sal, but I'm not sure if you all know exactly what is happening here...

Also, two very important things:

  • As I said in the latest post, two weeks after the Patreon early release, I'll post the public version with a few corrections of typos and etc (things I didn't see at first).
  • I'm still figuring out how Patreon works, but if any of you previous (January) supporters, for some reason, lose access to the content, I'll send you this newest 0.3 version via e-mail, so don't worry!

See you soon!



You're doing great! Keep up the good work. 👍


Is there a tentative release date? Do you also have a discord server?


Yay I'm excited for werewolf daddy!


Hey, Jr! I'll post my schedule for the game with the next public release.