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  • The Patron: High-res of the previous scenes and sketches soon!
  • Teaser:

So, the next +3 days of Those Days (for the 0.3 camping Patreon version) will have a lot of NSFW scenes. 

Here are some of the sketches!

Some backgrounds:

The sky lanterns:

And some of the NSFW scenes:

I'm really inspired by this version of the game... Oof!

  • Public version 0.2:

For those who haven't played the new public version of the game, I recommend downloading it! It is attached to this post! 

I've corrected some typos (thanks to Mujkz) and updated some of the artwork! Take a look: 



As you can see, Cott did sleep naked!

  • Some ideas:

This artwork update was really interesting and made me start thinking about redoing all of the previous artwork, including the character sprites!

Salmie is looking very childish in these past versions of the game, and I want to change that. She will be desired by some different characters, Ned's already on it, but who knows... 

So, the main boy and Salmie updates will probably gonna look like this:

"Wow, Sal! You've changed!"

"Did I?"

  • When will it be released?

I was already working on the artwork of the 0.3 version in December, but I still have no idea if it will be getting done in time. 

I'm thinking about finishing this 0.3 version this month and, in February, make a complete rework of the old artwork. 

In short, there will be a January version! Hooray!

What do you guys think?



Also! If you guys find anything typo or some weird stuff happening, you can always tell me!


Oooooo looking great!