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【女上司的な】職場や街中で魔法の人形の辱めを受けるルカさん ~ミクの復讐②~ 中編 

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[Female Boss] Luka is humiliated by a magic doll at work and on the street. - Miku's Revenge②~second part~

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As you may have guessed from the title, the Luka video did not end. I'm very sorry about that.This is the result after I said that the second part would feature a little harder enema. I'm sorry.

During the production process, I calculated the total time of the video, and it was over 20 minutes at that point... I realized that the video would be over 30 minutes long if I continued to make it until the end.

I've decided to edit this story and post it as a medium-length story after thinking about it with my stupid brain. This is the result of cramming too many things in.

This time, Luka doesn't take off his suit the whole time. At most, he is half naked.  I couldn't make her take it off for the sake of the story.

However, in my proclivities, I get more excited when she's wearing something than when she's completely naked... I don't want her to take off her high heels or socks. Yes, I am a pervert.

So I decided to make this one as is, without making any changes. Luka's dress-up is poor in many ways, but it's the best I could do since I can't do any modeling...

No, it was originally a single video including the second half of the next episode, so it wasn't that I didn't take off my clothes for the whole episode. I'm going to take off my clothes after this.

This is why the second half of the next video will feature nudity, so please forgive me.

But it was too lonely, so I asked the secretary to take off her clothes. I hadn't originally planned to take her off, but....

After that, the secretary seemed to have awakened to her sexuality, and she seemed to have scored a goal with the guy. Good for her.

There is a bit of excrement in this story as well... I made it for the flow of the story. I'm sorry if you don't like it. I'm sorry if you don't like it, but please don't worry, only clean liquid comes out from the vocaloids.

I'm sure there will be more excrement in the future, but I don't think it will be any worse than this. No, as I said before... I love to put things in, but I'm not good at taking things out. Except for the backflow from my mouth.

Next time, I'm going to make a bonus video of Rin's hardcore version. I don't think I'll be able to make it a very long video due to production time constraints, but I'll try my best to post it before the end of this year.

I hope you all enjoy the next video. I'll finish Luka next month...




12月ご投稿お疲れ様です!ルカさん中編楽しませていただきました! ルカさん終始半脱ぎとの事でしたが、彼女の場合は社会的地位のある女性を…の部分も加味したいですから半脱ぎ演出、いいと思います! スーツにストッキング+ヒールの組み合わせは強装備ですよね! 後半の大噴射…取引先の社長にとってはご褒美だったり? 折角楽になれたのにすぐにまた大量に注入されちゃうの素敵すぎます! 人間モップも屈辱的で最高でしたねw プライドの高そうなルカさんなら首輪散歩なんかも楽しそうです。 何気に秘書子ちゃんもいい味だしてましたね(ヤバい薬飲まされてお仕置きに付き合わされた可哀想な子でしたが…)冷え性が治ったのが瞬間的に解るのって薬がスゴイのやら💦 最後の「何で浣腸なんてするの?」のセリフにすごい笑わせていただきました。 それは「神(kojirou様)の思し召しだから」としか言いようが無いですよねw 既に国家プロジェクトLvにまでなってしまったミクさん復讐編、ストーリーの展開から目が離せない事態ですね✨ 今作もワクワクする展開の大作をありがとうございました! また後編の締めも楽しみにしています!

CJ Alternative

I really enjoy the kind of puppeteering that this magic doll can do! I hope that we get to see more usage of the lower forced levels in part 3. I think it's very interesting to be able to fight back a little... The powerful toys in this story are also very fun. Also, I understood the voice-changing bowtie; but maybe a little explanation would have been better for viewers who haven't watched the series it came from? 翻訳:私はこの魔法の人形ができるような人形遣いを本当に楽しんでいます! パート3で、より低い強制レベルの使用法がもっと見られるようになることを願っています。少し反撃できるのは非常に興味深いと思います...この物語の強力なおもちゃもとても楽しいです。 また、私は声を変える蝶ネクタイを理解しました。 しかし、それが由来するシリーズを見たことがない視聴者にとっては、少し説明したほうがよかったのではないでしょうか。


kinkin様 今回もご視聴ありがとうございました。 そしてご理解くださりありがとうございます。働く女性でなおかつ立場の高い人が辱められるというのが今回のコンセプトですので、スーツ姿で半裸のルカさんを楽しんで頂けたのなら幸いです。 ストッキングやヒールは必須ですね。基本的に脱がせたくありません。 そして今回のルカさんにはずっと腹痛が襲いかかりますね。通常なら辛いだけですが、彼女は今同じぐらい絶頂し続けてるのでごまかされているようです。 炭酸浣腸は辛いだけだったと思いますが、ルカさんはそれでも絶頂出来る身体になりつつありますね。首輪散歩も良いですね。調教がすすめば・・。 秘書の娘はちょっとボイロとは違ったエロさがありましたね。本来あんな目に会う予定ではなかったのですが。中編になった為に・・。 冷え性は・・あれですね。あそこで立ってるだけで足元が冷たかったようなので、それが消えたんだと思います。正直冷え性になったことが無いので不明です。 「何で浣腸するの」セリフは言わせておいて少し心が痛みましたね。「それはね、私の趣味なんだよ」と心で謝罪しておりました。神と言われるにはおこがましいゲス顔で。 とりあえずミクさんが体を差し出せば世界は良くなりますね。でもなんて変態な世界でしょうか。別に良くならなくても良いかも知れません。 このストーリーもそろそろ終盤でございます。よろしければ最後までお付き合いくださいませ。


Dear CJ Alternative Thank you for watching. Thanks for enjoying the story of the magic doll. In the next story, I'm going to fight back against Miku a little bit, but I don't think it's going to be the way you want it to be. Sorry about that. Also, Luka is going to have a really bad time. And Mik's preparations for revenge against Nell will be complete. You figured out the bow tie, too. It's based on Detective Conan. If you don't know the anime, you might not understand. But I've tried to show the viewer how it's used in the video. The real necktie is used in a different way than the real thing. It's not a tool to change the human voice, but a tool to force the person to speak. It could have been a regular microphone or anything. It was a joke to make it look like a tie.