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I'm sorry, everyone.

As I tweeted on twitter, due to various troubles, I won't be able to complete the first part of the new video this month. I've been working on it more than last month, but it's taken a lot of time and effort that I didn't expect, so it's only about 70% done. I will definitely finish it next month. It's only the first part, though... For those of you who have supported me this month, I apologize for the unfinished state, but I will post it in the next few days so that you can at least see it. Sorry for the last minute delay. I'm also planning to make some extras next month. I already have a few months of work in my brain, but I can't keep up with the production.

Please forgive me as Miku apologizes.



Timothy Cowher

I would rather you take longer to do a good job then rush and have it worse than it could be.


Thank you. And sorry to keep you waiting for my work. I'll do my best to make it better!


更新お疲れ様です! ご周知いただけるだけで十分です。思い通りに物事が進まない事はままありますから、kojirou様もあまり気になされない事を願っております。 それにしても、ミクさんの全裸土下座そそりますねぇ、さてどんな目に遭わせてやろうかとニチャってしまいそうですw


ありがとうございます。そう言って頂けると救われます。 今回は完全に制作時間を見誤ってしまいました。キャラクターが数人出てくるだけでPCは重いわ時間はかかるわで・・・。ミクさんには毎回私の代わりに謝罪と称して酷い目にあってもらっております。いつか天罰が下りそうで怖いです。